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04/04/04 |
are there any rock gigs or clubs going on in prague 4-7th may 04?
ANSWER:See the web of Ticketpro- www.ticketpro.cz |
04/02/04 |
looking for a person in Prague to talk to about a trip that I'am going to take over Christmas and New-Years-Eve 2004. Just looking for someone to talk to and find out what to do while I'am there.
Drop me a line at tim_fritz@hotmail.com. ThanX.
04/01/04 |
I will be visiting Prague for the first time early May for 2 weeks. I am staying at the Pension B35...can you tell me something about that hotel and the neighborhood and if it is far from the center. Any suggestions for daytrips?
ANSWER:Good location- residential area with a very good connection to the center. You can even walk if you want to, there are a lot of restaurants around. More info about the hotel at: http://www.b35.cz/ Daytrips- Karlstejn, Kutna Hora or Konopiste. |
04/01/04 |
We are planning a surprise birthday pary for one of our friends. We can't seem to be able to decide between Agharta and Reguta jazz club. Can you please make a few suggestions?
ANSWER:Well it is hard to recommend one of those clubs, because I do not know what exactly you prefer. The best thing to do is to check their websites: www.redutajazzclub.cz/ and http://www.agharta.cz and see what will be going on when you plan to visit. |
04/01/04 |
hi im male 36 from egypt and want start new business in pragut by sharing anyone for land or shops alsoo i want marry from czech if any one interst and can help me pls send answer to my mail yes1400@hotmail.com
04/01/04 |
i want get czech citizenship , what the terms for that alsoo i want start a small project there and want marry alsoo from there
ANSWER:See the state website www.mvcr.cz . |
03/28/04 |
I am looking to correspond/email with a Prague resident about hip things in Prague. If you know 'the scene' in Prague would you email me so that I can call you or write you? I am coming to Prague in May for a few days and want to have a good time. Please email me at yafugginhoo@yahoo.com
03/28/04 |
hopefully it is okay to ask this question. If not i apologize but I am just trying to be safe. I want to take some ecstasy when I get to Prague in May. I don't know how to go about it and I hope someone will email me at yafugginhoo@yahoo.com and maybe we can talk or something...thanks
Shirley and BP
03/27/04 |
My name is Shirley and I am in Texas USA My son is in BErlin and wants to come to Prauge He is a musician, plays a super harmonica and guitar. He wants some names of clubs and booking information Include telephone numbers and e mail addresses. He needs this as soon as possible. His name is RB and if you can help it would be greatly appreciated.
ANSWER:Go to our nighlife section and you will fond those infortmation there. |
03/25/04 |
Hi! I'm a 16 years old gothic girl from Moscow. My boyfriend and I decided to spend our vecations in the begining of May in Prague, but the matter is, that we don't know any gothic clubs, shops and meeting places in this wonderful city...( If you want to help us to appreshiate Gothic Prague, please connect me via icq: 158248426 or e-mail: rammiaka@mail.ru
Thank you!
03/25/04 |
Hey there. Could you recommend any good gay clubs / bars to visit? Also, do you know if I'll be able to buy poppers in Prague? If so, where?
Thanks very much x
ANSWER:Try visiting the gay guide to Prague for a list of clubs and bars. As for the second question, I guess you mean these kind of poppers (amyl nitrite) and not Mexican food. I'm not sure, but you can try the chain Erotic City or ask in a bar. |
03/25/04 |
anyone!!!...i went to praha last week, and loved it!!!!..i love costume jewellry and found a great chain of jewellry stores in the malls called 'foxtrot'...it got me thinking, i would love to start trading the same kind of thing in britain...but i need to know who supplies the shop with their unique jewellry?...all i know is the tag says it is made in the czech republic!? thankyou!!!
ANSWER:Try to contact that store- +420 224 826 460 Týnská 5 / 628, Praha 1 and find out where they get it. |
03/24/04 |
I am off to Prague for Easter and we would really like to see a Sparta Prague Ice hockey match.I have been onto the web site but it is not available in English. Does anyone know if the hockey is on between the weekend of 8/4 and the 12/4. Also if we need to buy tickets in advance where should we purchase them. We are really looking forward to our trip and would be grateful for any suggestions and information of events happening at Easter. Thank you.x
ANSWER:The Czech Ice hockey league is almost finished, there are no more Sparta games left this season. Only finals between Slavia and Zlin and that will also quite likely finish before Easter. |
03/23/04 |
I will be arriving by air on Thursday, May 19. What advice do you have for easiest transportation to the Rennaisance Hotel - I am a senior citizen.
ANSWER:Take a CEDAZ minibus from the airport, which will take you to Namesti Republiky and the hotel is about 5 minutes from there. |
03/22/04 |
Looking for a place to buy tickets online to a Slavia football match next month. Seems to be no option on their website and not on Ticketpro either. Is it possible online or do you just turn up at the game and buy a ticket at the gate?
ANSWER:Those games are never sold out, because they play on a big stadium. The easiest way is to buy the tickets right before the game. |
03/19/04 |
Hi I am visiting Pragus in April does anyone know of the Opleatalova apartment Opletalova str. No. 9, New Town (Nove Mesto), Prague 1
I have provisionally booked it but can change if
I want.feedback would be appreciated
thankyou mo
ANSWER:Does anyone have some experience with that apartment? The location is very good, though. |
03/18/04 |
At the moment I am trying to plan a short trip to Prague. I need to know what the citys nightlife is like on a Sunday compared to the rest of the week, particularly Saturday. Is it more or less the same the whole week or is it quieter on a Sunday (much like the UK)?
ANSWER:Friday and Saturday are the two busiest days, on Sunday it is a little bit quieter. |
03/17/04 |
Hi I'm looking for an amazing experience in Prague to nanny/aupair for a fun-loving family. Know of any good sites or advertizment pages I can place my ad for this inquirery??
ANSWER:Try to look at expats.cz where expats from other countries meet, also see the web of Prague Post- maybe posting an ad there would help. |
03/16/04 |
Hi, could anybody tell me the average price for a beer and a packet of cigarettes and do they sell English brands.
ANSWER: 1/2 liter of beer costs in a pub from 20-35CZK, cigarettes about 50CZK and more. There is quite a big variety, bu tI do not know what do you exactly mean by English brand..... |
03/16/04 |
I visted Prague in NOvember 2000 - fabulous place! I bought some beautiful Art Nouveau stule design champagne flutes (not crystal but painted in cream/pink/blue & gold). They were on sale in many of the shops. I would now like to buy some champagne saucers in the same design but, unfortunately, won't be able to travel in person for a while. Please can anyone tell me how/where I might be able to purchase these online? HELP!!! Thanks - in hope!
ANSWER: Try this link shop.certiport.com. |
03/15/04 |
Hi. We(6 of us) are planning to go to Prague from Vienna by train on 3/27/04 and we'll be staying in Apartment Mostecka (Mostecka str. No. 3,Lesser Town, Prague 1). Is it easy to get to our apartment by metro or tram? If not, is it safe to get taxi on the street since we arrive late (~9pm). Thanks.
ANSWER: You can take a metro from the Main railway station to I.P.Pavlova and tehere to change to tram #22 or 23 which will take you to Malostranske namesti, which is very close to your apartement. If you want to tak a taxi- there are always a lot of waiting in front of the sattion, but before you get in-ask for the price, it should be no more than 200CZK. |
03/13/04 |
hi, Iam going to Prague tomorrow and i wondering Where i can bye spray-cans and where it is hip-hop stores. with hip-hop clotes and stuff?
ANSWER: Visit BBaRáK shop, Přibyslavská 10, Praha 3. More info at bbarak.cz. |
03/13/04 |
hello everybody!
I´m a german icehockey fan and desperately searching for tickets PRAHA 2004:
2 to 10 tickets 26.04.2004 GER - LAT and
2 to 10 tickets 28.04.2004 GER - CZE
I will pay good.
please help me or tell me where I can ask for the tickets
best regards
can you tell me where I can get tickets for the icehockey-world-championship 2004 PRAHA?
ANSWER: Visit the official web site, where is a section about tickets mshokej2004.cz. |
03/11/04 |
Looking for a room for 2 adults + 2 children(aged 11+15) on 18th Oct 2004- 21st Oct 2004, any suggestions please.
thank you
ANSWER: See this special accommodation website abaka.com. |
lilla o.
03/10/04 |
Nice to find this page! I was in Prauge last spring (2003), and now I'm sitting here trying to sort out all my photos... There is one thing I can't seem to remember: A line of statues in a stair, I think it was somewhere near Petrin. Naked, worn-out metallic men, lit from below? I can't remember it from earlier visits in Prauge... Is this monument new, and what is it? (Know what I'm talkning about?)
ANSWER: It is at the bottom of the Petrin hill, monument for the victims of the communism regime. |
03/10/04 |
I'll come to Prague to the Paul McCartney concert on June 6th. It takes place in 'T-Mobile Park' and I cannot find out where this is... Can anyone tell me if it is near the centre or can anybody recommend a cheap hotel/pension nearby?
ANSWER:They are building this arena right now, it is located near Chodov Prague 4. Book you accommodation in this area abaka.com. |
03/10/04 |
Hi I am visiting Prague at the end of March and would like to find information about good bars and clubs in the city..
ANSWER:See our nightlife section. |
03/10/04 |
My two daughters and I are planning on visiting Prague as part of our trip to Europe in July.
---How many days would you recommend we stay to get a good overview of the city? ---Is English spoken very much there? ---Could you recommend a reasonable hotel city-centre?
Thank you! :-)
ANSWER:At least three days are needed. English is OK. For accommodation Prague 1 and 2 will be all right. See special offers: abaka.com. |
03/10/04 |
write here your messaghi ive been to prague about 8 times now its the best place for the food and beer and the ladys are the best
03/08/04 |
I noticed in an old message someone inquirng about beads,I am coming to Prague soon .I know the factories are in the northern region.I am therefore trying to find factories on the web that will do mailorder .I have found some but they do not seem to have price lists.Does anyone know of any.Also are there shops in Prague that will sell them
| ANSWER:If you are coming to Prague, you can buy those beads right in the shops. There are a lot of them in the center.
03/07/04 |
Sorry I got some more questions on top of the message i just sent.
I would like to know is there any special going on between 27-31 March? Is there any good pub and restaurant around the Golden Tulip Hotel .. is it a nice hotel or will u suggest me to stay somewhere nicer/ closer to the center?
Thank you again
| ANSWER:For events at this time see www.ticketpro.cz and www.pis.cz. There are a lot of pubs around that hotel, just cross the square. Hotel is very close to the metro station, so there is no need to move closer to the center. It will take about 10-15 minutes to the very center.
03/07/04 |
I am a single 26 y.o. guy living in Oregon USA. I will be visiting Prague from March 31 through April 13 2004. I am looking for friends/travel companions/local. Preferably other boys around my age. Please email if interested gohpet@hotmail.com
03/07/04 |
Hi, I am a 26 y.o. single guy living in Oregon USA. I will be visiting Prague from March 31 through Apr 13th 2004. I am looking for friends/travel companion/or local Czech friends, prefer other boys around my age. Can you give me any suggestions? Also are there any nice/cheaper accommodation close to the city? Thanks!
| ANSWER:There is a huge variety of accommodation, if you want a cheap one and relatively close to the center- choose Prague 3. As for the friends- see www.seznamka.cz.
03/06/04 |
Hello ! My name is Julian, I live in Nantes, France.
I am going on holiday to Prag in May 2004.
I am looking for someone who live there and could help me visiting the city (hopefully in French, or English if you don't speak French!)
Warning: this add is for tourism ONLY.
Thank you for your answer.
My e-mail is : juju.loz@orange.fr
Bye! Au revoir !
03/05/04 |
I will be staying in Hotel EURO HOTEL PRAHA next to the Prague-Brno motorway-. Is is a good hotel with lots close by? how to get there for airport- march 19 to 24. we want to buy cristal any suggestion -
we are interesting in visiting Budapest-any ideas on traveling- bus train- how far
Thank you very much,
ANSWER:There is not a lot to see around that hotel- highway and gas station. From the airport you can get there by bus to Dejvicka, switch to metro and go all the way to muzeum, there switch to red line and get off at Chodov, from there you can walk. To Budapest it is better to go by train: www.vlak-bus.cz
03/05/04 |
Do you know of any interesting antiques and flea markets in Prague (or very close)?
Thank you,
ANSWER:I do not think that there are some special flea markets, but there are a lot of antique stores around the city.
03/05/04 |
i will be in prague in 10 of april 2004 ,i would like to know the everage cost of the food ,about night life and the taxi.
| ANSWER:Food is generally 10-20% cheaper than in the western europe, taxi costs around 30CZK/1km and nightlife- that varies a lot.
03/04/04 |
Hi! I am a 32 year old female from Germany, married with twins (almost 5) and I am looking for penpals from Prague. I love music (prefer hard rock, rock, punk, can also live with some pop *g*), reading (crime stories, historic novels, fantasy), going to cinema, meeting friends, chatting, languages etc. etc.
Write in English or German to anke.ste@web.de
02/28/04 |
What is the situation regarding Jazz Clubs or pubs in Prague. Mostly interested in Modern Jazz rather than Dixieland or Trad.
ANSWER:Here is a list of jazz clubs: http://www.atlas.cz/search/?t=a&q=jazz+club
02/26/04 |
Any information on Petr Hotel in Smichov area? If walking from there, about how long would it take to get to Charles Bridge?
ANSWER:See http://www.hotelpetr.cz/petr/default.aspx, it will take around 15 minutes to Charles Bridge.
02/26/04 |
I am thinking of moving my goods in Praque. Can anyone recommend a good local company as the international firms are too expensive
ANSWER:See http://www.atlas.cz/search/?q=stehovani. |
02/24/04 |
Hi, I will be visting Prague in mid-March (March 13-20) and I was wondering about buying crystal there. I would like to pick up a few pieces, and was wondering about the types of prices that I may see. Also, I am coming from Wisconsin (northern US) and would like to know how the weather compares. Thanks!
ANSWER: If you want to buy crystal , do not go to those small shops in the old town. Their prices are usually two or three times higher. See http://www.samir.cz/index.php?url=catalogue.phtml or http://www.crystalex.cz/. As for the weather, it will be pretty much the same as in Wisconsin, maybe a little bit warmer. |
02/24/04 |
I will be moving to Prague this summer. I will be working in Nebusicka. I've noticed that this is a very expensive area. Can you suggest a location nearby that may not be so expensive for an apartment. Also a nice hotel in this area for my mother. Thank you
ANSWER:Nebusice are expensive that's right. However, if you move a little bit closer to Prague- area around Cerveny vrch and Veleslavin is cheaper. Maybe a good choice for your mother would be Hotel Zlata Praha: http://www.abaka.com/Czech/ZlataPraha/. |
02/23/04 |
hello, i am coming to prague with my family christmas/new year 2005. I am interested in clothing, shoes etc. Are these items cheap and good quality? Also, are designer brands and birkenstocks cheap?
I am coming for about 3 weeks hopw much spending money would i need?
ANSWER:There are a lot of different shops. The range goes from Hugo Boss till second hands. In general clothing and especially shoes are cheaper than in Western countries. However exclusive brand items are sometimes overpriced. As for the money- I have no clue what to recommend you, because I do not know anything about you. The best thing is to bring your credit or normal card with you and you are all set. |
02/23/04 |
Hi, will be great to get your advices on the following questions
1. Is Lunik Hotel Prague at the following location (Londynska 50, 12000 Praha 2
)close to the center and safe?
2. How much is the taxi fee from the airport
3. Are there any 3 days organized tour for the city? I want to group with other people to go around the city during my stay there, how can I book in advance?
ANSWER:That is a good area and quite close to the center either by metro or tram. Taxi should be around 500-750CZK. There are organized tours, but I do not think there are exactly 3days tours. Try to check the web of www.pis.cz. |
02/22/04 |
thinking of coming to Prague in May,what is weather like then?How far is ZRUC U PLZNE from Prague?Have an old friend who moved there-not on phone-any way of tracing him.
ANSWER:Zruc is about 2 hours away from Prague. Weather in May changes quite a lot, usually it is between 10-18 C. |
02/18/04 |
I want to go from Prague to Vienna(Austria) by bus, in June. Is this possible? I can't seem to locate any timetables on internet. Thanks for your help.
ANSWER:It is easier to go by train. However, there should be a bus connection to Brno and than from Brno to Vienna. |
02/18/04 |
I read/hear a lot of talk about "The Center". Where, exactly, in terms of location is The Center? Also, when I visit on March 10, I will be staying in Hotel Ametyst. Is this in The Center or farther away? Is is a good hotel with lots close by? Thank you very much, and great site.
ANSWER:Center is around Wenceslas Square, Old town and Mala Strana. Ametyst is quite close, it will take you 20 minutes to Wenceslas Square if you walk. By tram it is faster. There are a lot of nice bars around Ametyst, especially towards Namesti Miru. |
True Blade
02/18/04 |
Does anyone know how to book taxi's or limo's from the airport?
ANSWER:They are standing in front of the airport. |
True Blade
02/18/04 |
We will be in prauge next year, taking in the sights and sounds. (Drink and Kareoke)
Can anyone tell me where to find Sparta's fixtures list? So I can arrange our trip around the time Sparta are at home. I don't know if I am right or not, but does Prauge have an other football team?
ANSWER:Visit http://www.sparta.cz. There is also Slavie Praha and Viktorie Zizkov. |
02/17/04 |
i am staying at hotel duo in march.i understand it is a little distance from central prague.is there anything to do around hotel or do i need to go to city.how far to city?is hotel of good standard?
ANSWER:There are some facilities in the hotel and of course there are some restaurants and bars around, but not that many. It takes about 40-50 minutes to the center, connection is good. |
celtic boy
02/17/04 |
I am travelling to Prague for Celtis v Teplice match and was wondering what was best way to travel to teplice? Can I travel by train or bus and is there plenty available? Also how much does apint of beer cost in Prague? Thanks if You can help.
ANSWER:The best way is to go by bus: www.vlak-bus.cz. 1/2 of beer costs 20-25CZK. |
02/15/04 |
I am visiting prague in mid marchl staying at the EURO hotelturkova 10- Please could you tell me your opinion of this hotel give me directions from the airport to the hotel on public transport . thanks again
ANSWER: I was not able to find any information about this hotel. From the airport- take a bus 119 to Dejvicka. There go to the subway (Green line A0) and go all the way to Muzeum where you have to switch to red line C and go to the station Chodov. From there you have to walk. The hotel is not very close to the center. Even though by metro it is quite fast, underground is closed between midnight and 5AM. |
02/13/04 |
I am going to be in your wonderful city from March 23-28. Is there a place where I can find a student to go on walking tours with in the afternoons if not any agencies who specialize in walking tours will be fine. With so little time (I'm american and we have very short vacations) I would experience as much as possible and just folllowing a map is not as enriching. My email is praguevistor@tradebonds.com.
Thank you very much for your assistance. Thanks for keeping up the site. Are you ever going to call it prague2004???
ANSWER: There is an agency that specializes in guiding tours- www.pis.cz. You can try to find someone who will guide you personally at www.seznamka.cz. PS: It was not very wise to choose this domain- it is getting older and older every year :). If I changed it to 2004, it would not solve anything, becuase it would be valid again just for one year. |
02/11/04 |
Staying at Botel Albatros on the river. What do you think?
What will weather be like in first week in March?
ANSWER: I do not know anything about this hotel. Weather in March- it is still quite cold- it can snow as well. |
02/11/04 |
hi - my wife & I are visiting Praque mid march - staying at the Hotel Mercure in the centre - any comments on this hotel would be appreciated - also any good recommendations for Opera - nightclubs - resteraunts - sightseeing trips
thanks in advance
ANSWER: Mercure belongs to an international chain of Accor hotels, so I would expect normal standard as anywhere else. It is quite close to the Wenceslas Square and the city center. If you like opera- definitely visit the state opera http://www.opera.cz or National Theatre www.narodni-divadlo.cz. For other recommendations see other postings. |
02/10/04 |
I am going to visit prague soon and I have heard that there is a castle in a neighboring city that is surrounded by grizzly bears. Is this true and if so how would I get there from Prague 6? Would this be worth my time if I am only visiting a short while? thank you!
ANSWER: A lot of castles have bears :). Probably the closest one is Konopiste. You can get there by train and it takes about an hour. http://www.zamek-konopiste.cz/ |
02/10/04 |
I have heard that you can rent snowmobiles outsides or in Prague. Is this true and what is the price range? When does it stop snowing?
ANSWER: Usually we get snow till the end of March. To rent a snowmobile you need to go to the mountains, ie. to Krkonose. Here is a link to one of the companies: http://www.abacar.cz/special.asp?cat=7. Usually it cists around 1000CZK/hour, for one day between 2500-4000CZK. |
02/09/04 |
Can you please advise me on the cost of beer in prague please. Am going with 4 friends in April. It is just that I have heard rumours that the price of a pint of beer within the centre is now Ł4-5!! Thanks..
ANSWER: Maybe you could find a bar where they charge Ł2, but five that is too much. In reasonable pub/bar you can get half an liter for 20-30 CZK. That is not about fifty- sixty cents. |
02/05/04 |
Hi! I am thinking about attending an opera during the time of my visit to Prague. I have looked up pictures and info on the the National Theatre, Estates Theatre, and the State opera. But I can't really gage what these structers would look like in person. Which of these is the most interesting, and or beautiful? "The Cunning little Vixen" is playing in the National Theatre while Mozart's "The Magic Flute" is playing at the Estates Theatre. Which also would you recomend? I want to use what limited time I have there to the best atvantage. thank you!!
ANSWER: I would probably go for The Cunning little Vixen. It is written by one of the most famous Czech composers and directed by Michal Caban and Simon Caban. Also the building of National Theatre is very nice, especially inside. |
02/02/04 |
My fiance and I will be getting married in Pargue in May ! We are bring around 30 friends and family of all ages. On the day of the wedding (a Friday), after some celebrations and an evening meal, we would like to go to a nice club or bar. Can you recommend anywhere that's good for all ages, all tastes of music, that won't be too busy for the "older" guests to get a table, and maybe has somewhere for the "younger" guests to dance ?
ANSWER: Congratulations! It is hard to make an advice like that, because it is hard to find a location that is like that. It would be wise to send someone in advance to do some exploration and testing :). Try Lucerna Music Club http://www.musicbar.cz/ or Radost FX www.radost.cz. List of most of the music clubs is available here. |
02/02/04 |
Coming to Prague in march and staying at the Hotel Berlin in Staropramenna.Is it any good and how much for a taxi from the airport?
ANSWER: It is close to the Staropramen brewery and there are tons of good restaurants around. Taxi from the airport should be around 500-750CZK. |
02/02/04 |
I am coming to Prague and staying at Andels. Is it a good location? Where is the good nightlife/Bars. I am coming with my girlfriend and we want a weekend with lots of drinking.
ANSWER: Andel is a good starting location for your pub tour- then go towards Mala Strana, cross Charles bridge and end in the pubs around Wenceslas Square. |
celtic boy
02/02/04 |
Hi there......what can you tell me about the Hotel Elysee in Wenceslas Square? How much should I expect to pay if I arrive in early March (single room). Can you recommend a website with a guide to good places to eat ? I have heard it is worthwhile just to get on the underground or tram and travel for three or four stops away from Wenceslas Square to get better value for bars and restuarants, and also a truly warm Czech welcome. Would you agree? Thanks for an extremeely helpful site, by the way! :)
ANSWER: For a good taste of typical Czech restaurent- go by tram to Zizkov or Vinohrady (those 4-7 tram stops :)). Price list is available at http://www.prag-hotel.cz/prag-hotel-elysee.asp. Guide to restaurants is available at www.gurman.cz. Have a nice stay! |
02/02/04 |
I am coming to Prague in the spring, and will be living there for three months. I want to ship some household items (blankets, posters, etc) to be there when I arrive. What address can I ship them to, and how long will they hold them if I ship the Poste Restante? is this even possible to do in Prague?
ANSWER: I do not know about service like that, try to email to the Czech post www.ceskaposta.cz. However blankets etc. are quite cheap here, maybe it would be even cheaper to buy them here. |
02/02/04 |
I am coming to Prague in April, and wanted to find a job at a bar or restaurant. i have lots of experience. Do you have any reccommendations about where I should look? I am american and am wondering if there are many expat bars or clubs that would hire me. thanks!
ANSWER: Try to search in the area around Old Town Square, also music clubs might be a good idea. |
02/01/04 |
My wife and I will be coming to Prague in Mid-March, and are looking for an inexpensive place to stay. We hope to spend most of our time sightseeing Prague so we just want a place that is warm, safe and relatively inexpensive plus close to a metro or tram stop. We have narrowed our search down to three places: Pension Platan Praha (Revoluční 24), Prague Lion (Na bojišti 26) and Hotel Novemestsky (Řeznická 4). They are about the same price. Is there any of these that you would recommend both in terms of comfort and location? Or is there another place that you could recommend? Thank you for your outstanding service you provide to visitors to Prague. We have learned so many important tips just from your website.
ANSWER: Revolucni and Reznicka are closer to the center. Based on the location I would probably go for Reznicka- but I do not know anything about the pensions. |
01/30/04 |
going to prague 22/3 26/3 staying in the hotel josef is it as good as it looks on the net. what are the restraunts & bars like close by
thanks in advance
ANSWER: It is fine :). There are a lot of bars- just choose the typical ones! |
01/30/04 |
I'm coming to Prague with my boyfriend in March. Is the Hotel St. George decent and is it in a convenient location for walking to lots of things?
Also, can we do a day trip to Budapest? How far is it by train or car? How about a day ski trip?
ANSWER: Hotel St. George looks good, close to the cebter but on a very busy road. Trip to Budapest is a good idea, there is a good connection to Budapest by train, but count with one day for travelling. Day trip to the mountains is possible, but it is better to go for two days, because it takes around 3hrs one way by bus. |
01/30/04 |
My wife and I will be coming to Prague in mid- February, and staying in Hotel Seven Days.
Is this a good hotel and are there Bars and Restaurants close by.
ANSWER: It is close to a very busy street, but there are a lot of bars and restaurants around. http://www.hotelsevendays.cz |
01/29/04 |
i have read in tourist guides that you cant take czk currency in or out of czech can you tell me if this is still so
ANSWER: That is not true. |
01/29/04 |
we are visiting praque march 18- 24 opened mind couple interesting in meeting gay people for fun and friendship- we are stay euro hotel.any one interesting buster7664@aol.com
we are spanish- is there any spanish group- bars?
ANSWER: I do not know if there are any special clubs, but most of the foreigners got to Karlovy lazne. |
01/29/04 |
how is the wheater in march 18- 26 in prague, what kind of clothes to wear. any leather bar.
at waht time the health club(bath house close?
tahnks again
ANSWER: It might be quite chilly, bring your jacket with you. Usually health clubs are open late till the night. |
01/28/04 |
Hi! I am visiting prague in March and have pretty much had all of my questions answered by reading your feedback! Do you know if there are any websites similar to this one but in regards to Scotland or Italy? This was a great idea! THank you!
ANSWER: Sorry, but I do not websites about those places. |
01/27/04 |
My Wife and i are visiting Praha for the first time from 20thFeb to 23rdFeb i would welcome your veiws on the Vysehrad hotel and its location. What is the general cost from the airport by taxi ? Can you tell me if there are any ice hockey matches on during our stay and where can i find info on the theatre and concerts.
ANSWER: Hotel is located in a residential area about 15 minutes from the center, more info at http://www.hotelvysehrad.cz. Taxi should cost around 500- 600CZK. For ice hockez matches check http://www.hcsparta.cz/ and http://www.hc-slavia.cz/. For cultural events visit www.ticketpro.cz. |
Big Dave
01/27/04 |
Can you recommend any Punk friendly bars in Prague, also is Vrsovice easy to get to from the city centre (We are staying at Hotel Sofia)
Thanks for your help
ANSWER: It is easy from Vrsovice- there are couple of trams that go directlz to the center. Try klub 3 in Trojicka street. |
01/26/04 |
I bought some stunning wine glasses from a glass shop on the Palace side of the Charles Bridge during my visit to Prague a couple of years ago.
I wish to purchase some more
They are quite plane and the box had the following markings on it 1.jakost, kalisek, 6ks, 13955/D:7093/200ml. Bar Code ref 8 593401 019938.
Also a card with the following on it :- BIANCA Mostecka 14, 11800 PRAHA 1 Crystal
Can anyone help as I would like to increase our collection
Thank you
ANSWER: I checked this name on the Czech internet and there were no results. |
visiting praque
01/26/04 |
we are visiting praque- march 18-24 we stay at euro hotel. interesting to meet people- their culture to visit places, gay places and we are very open minded. buster7764@aol.com
spanish guys from miami- florida USA
01/22/04 |
hi,i got some information off you a few months ago and it was really helpfull,thanks.ive booked to go to prague on may the 7th to the 10th,is there anything goin on then? i know about the ice hockey tournament,but im more interested in the night life side of things as it is a holiday of 24 lads.also what would you expect the weather to be like at that time of year,shorts n t-shirts? or jeans? thanks very much...
ANSWER: Check the website ticketpro.cz and pis.cz for events at that time of the year. Usuallz the weather is quite nice, but I would advise zou to bring tousers instead os shorts. T-shirt is OK uring the daz, but it gets a lot colder in the evening. |
01/21/04 |
Can you please tell me what travel adaptor i will need to buy. I live in the uk and have 3-pin plug sockets. which sockets do they use in Prague?
ANSWER: The voltage in the Czech Republic as well as the socket and plug sizes is identical to the most of European countries (220V / 50Hz). |
01/21/04 |
ANSWER: Take the CEDAZ minibus from the airport to Hotel Duo. It should cost around 400CZK. I do not know about the minibus to Teplice. Try to ask Cedaz or at the hotel reception. |
01/20/04 |
Hi all,
I am going to Prague in May, hope for better weather, the last time I was there in September.. was very very cold..
I need some information about czech beads, firepolish beads, I like to visit a factory in the city if possible or a big shop for beads. Would you please help?
Thank you in advance
ANSWER: Czech beads are mostly made in the North- see www.gbbijoux.cz or www.aac-beads.cz. |
01/19/04 |
My Girlfriend and I are thinking about staying at Andel's Hotel Prague over Valentines day. Is it within reasonable walking distance to any of the main attractions as some websites suggest or are they only accessible by public transport? Have you heard anything good/bad about this hotel? Also any reccomendations for a local,hidden away restaurant that does excellent food?(Not one that has been aimed purely at tourists which all the locals avoid!) Thanks.
ANSWER: I would choose something more romantic for the Valentines day :). Andel's hotel is a good hotel, but mainly for business people. If you want to be close to the center- choose Prague 1. It would take you around 20 minutes from Andel to walk to Mala Strana. As for the restaurant- if you want to enjoy the real Czech restaurant- visit Na kovarne, Kamenicka 17, Praha 7. |
01/18/04 |
Hello! I am visiting prague in mid March and I have looked up several websites which list what the weather should be like during this time. The only problem is, is that one said it would be 15 to 30 degrees f. The other, 30 degrees to 50 f. I need to get an idea so that I can pack appropriatly for my trip... thank you!
ANSWER: It is still quite cold in the mid of March, however it is more likely that the temperature will be in the 30-50F range. |
01/18/04 |
We are hoping to see Mozart's Figaro at the Eststes theatre 25/01/04, could anyone tell us if there is a dress code? and if anyone could recemond a nice pace to eat near by!
ANSWER: A suit for a man and something not very casual for a women. The area around the theatre is one of the most expensive- try one of the restaurants near the ticket office. |
01/17/04 |
How far to prague city center and how much by taxi from the airport??
ANSWER: Taxi costs around 400-550CZK based where you want to go. However the special airport taxis are somewhat more expensive. |
01/17/04 |
we are coming to prague on 23rd january for a long weekend and staying at the Andel Hotel...Comments plese???? Also going to see Figaro at the Estates Theater is it far from the hotel and is it as good as it sounds???
ANSWER: It is a brand new hotel, but it is on a very busy spot. However there is a good connection to the center. Figaro is definitely a good choice, I am sure you will like it. Take tram number 9 to Vodickova and walk from there, it should take around 25 minutes. |
The Lads
01/16/04 |
Me and 3 mates are off to prague on the second weekend in may could you please tell me if there is a football match on also where is the best place to stay as we want to be near loads of bars and clubs. Would it be cheaper to book in to a hotel when were out there or on the net and are the strip clubs doggy could you recomend one
ANSWER: It is cheaper to book via internet because this way you can get some special discounts. If you want to be near a lot of bars and clubs I recommend Prague3- the part which is closer to the center. As for the fotball match- Slavia Praha plays against Slovan Liberec on 8.5. at 17:15- it should be a very good game. |
01/15/04 |
April 15-19th (4 days) 2004
Scenario = 4 male (hetrosexuals) wishing to find a somewhat cheap & cheerful apartment (2/3 star level) in central prague, but we want 4 single beds. Are all the double beds in apartments capable of being split into 2 ? what is the average cost p.p.Night.
ANSWER: Usually if it is a double bed, it is not possible to split it. The average cost varies a lot based on the location, I would count with 800 -1500 CZK person/night. |
01/15/04 |
Could you send me the dates 2004 for the bustehrad market.
thanks a lot
ANSWER: It is not on their web, so I can not help you. Sorry. |
01/14/04 |
hi i will be in prague on the 5th Feb 2004,I am staying in the belveder hotel Prague 7.
cud you please tell me how much i wud expect to pay for a taxi from the airport to Prague 7.
Also is there much to do in Prague 7 and
how far is Prague 7 from the main city centre..
thanking you in advance.
ANSWER: The price for the taxi should be around 400CZK. Prague 7 has quite a good connection to the center by tram or by metro. It should take around 15 minutes to get to the Wenceslas Square. Eventhough Prague 7 is not that popular, there are quite a lot of clubs ie. KD Vltavska, T-Mobile Arena for icehockey and music concerts, nice park Stromovka or a big exhibition hall Veletrzni palac. |
01/14/04 |
Just back from a weekend in Prague - 1 thing is really getting to me - in an arcade just down the road from Rocky O'Reilly's there's a massive statue, hanging from the ceiling of an upside down horse with a rider on it
Anyone know the significance of it ?
ANSWER: It is a parody of the statue of St.Wenceslas on the Wenceslas Square made by the young Czech artist David Cerny. |
01/14/04 |
Coming to Praque in April and was wondering where is the best place to stay and still be close to all of the gay area.
ANSWER: See website http://www.gayinprague.net/. |
01/13/04 |
I am visiting prague in mid april staying at the hotel anna, budecska17. Please could you tell me your opinion of this hotel and give me directions from the airport to the hotel on public transport
ANSWER: It is a modern hotel in a quiet location. The best thing is to use the public transportation- it is the fastest and cheapest way how to get to that hotel. Buy a ticket at a newsstand at the airport (12 CZK) and get on the bus #119 that will take you to Dejvicka (final station), there get off and walk to the metro station and go all the way to Namesti Miru. From there you can either walk or take a tram for one stop to the station Sumavska. Enjoy your stay! |
01/13/04 |
Can anyone tell me the distance from Parague to Teplice, how best to get there (how much for a Taxi - I know it will be expensive but don't care) and how long it will take.
ANSWER: Hi, Brian I already answered your question few weeks ago. 1 hour 30 minutes by bus, approximately the same time or little bit more by train. Taxi would be really expensive, it is about 110 km and taxis charge about 22CZK/km (AAA taxi), so you would pay 2420CZK one way. If you want to go by car- rent one, it will be definitely cheaper than by taxi. |
01/13/04 |
hi visiting prague on 28th january please help with information ie where to go what to do etc etc
ANSWER: Hi. Go back to the first page and read the "main section" and "faq section", if you click on the walks it will tell you where to go and what to see. For a list of cultural events visit tickepro.cz. |
01/12/04 |
American male, age 39, seeks a room to rent with one other person, short or long term, or until I find a studio to rent. Seeking to pay 4000kc for a share, and 8000kc for a studio.
01/12/04 |
01/11/04 |
Looking for some good hip hop clubs and where the honeys hang out. Please let me know?
ANSWER: Hip hop is played every Saturday in 007- DJs Wich, Each & Orion, every second Monday at Akropolis or every Monday and Tuesday at Pirana. More info at www.hip-hop.cz. |
01/09/04 |
We are going to stay at the Hotel Golden City Prague 3 in May. We would like to hear your comments on this hotel, and also the best way to get there from the airport.
ANSWER: It is quite a nice hotel in an area with a lot of restaurants. The only problem is that one of the crossings near by is under a big reconstruction, but it should not affect you. The best way how to get to your hotel is by bus from the airport to Dejvicka, there switch to metro and get off at Mustek and there change to the tram number nine which will take you almost in front of the hotel. |
01/08/04 |
does anyone know the general opening hours of pubs in prague?
ANSWER: There is no official closing time. Some pubs close at 11PM, some stay open till they have guests. |
Euro Traveler
01/08/04 |
I saw (internet) that the weather in Prague is awful. It will be this way for the next two weeks.
I already have tickets and visa. Is it worth it? How can I make the best of what Prague has to offer in such a weather?
Thunderstorms, rain, snow and very cold...every day will be cloudy!
ANSWER: Do not worry about the weather- they are never right. The last two days were not that good since it was raining, but today it is sunny :). And they say that it will get colder and there will be some snow again. There are hundreds of great places where you can stop to have something warm to drink and eat. And you will have a great opportunity to eplore all the cool museums and exhibitions. Just by a culture guide when you get to Prague and I am sure you will not care about the weather anymore. Enjoy your stay!
01/06/04 |
I am looking to live for some time (year or more) in your wonderful city of Prague. I have read some bad press regarding accomodation. How much should one expect to pay for decent accomodation in a good area? Are rental prices going up or down? How has the dollar devaluation effected things ...or at all?
Thanks you for your time
ANSWER: In general accommodation is quite expensive and the prices went up last year (especially for small flats), however if you try hard you should be able to get accommodation for a decent price. Dollar devaluation did not have a big effect on things here, maybe computers are somewhat cheaper :)).
01/05/04 |
Myself and my friends are visiting Prague in June. Could someone recommend a decent hotel (for about 13 people)and could you advise us what time the bars are open until?
ANSWER: For accommodation look at Abaka.com, they have some special discount now. Bars and pubs are open all night long. If they close your bar, you can always find some other where it is still open.
12/30/03 |
I'm visiting Prague late January & staying at TOP Hotel Praha in Praha 4. How easy is it to get there from the airport & how easy to get to the city centre & bars/restauraunts?What is the approx. cost of travel?
ANSWER: If you take a taxi, it should cost about 400- 500CZK because it is on the other side of city than the airport. However it is quite easy to get to the center by bus to the metro and than around 20 minutes to the center. The public transportation costs 12CZK for one ticket.
12/29/03 |
I want to take a train from Prague to Budapest and come back to Prague after spending three nights in Budapest. Can you please tell me where I can buy a roundtrip ticket for this trip and how much it costs. I will be flying into Prauge from the USA and will be staying in the Stare Mesto area. Also how long does it take to get to Budapest by train?
ANSWER: You can get the ticket at the Main Railway station which is close to the Wenceslas Square. Info about your travel and schedule is available at www.vlak-bus.cz
12/26/03 |
answer to other dave re-church of bones sorry this is late but the church is in kutna hora to east of prague
Looking for fun
12/26/03 |
Hi Traveling to Prague 16 January 04 through the 23rd,looking for fun pretty,outgoing female to share good times with & show me your beautiful city, if you are interested you can email me at ericodb910@yahoo.com will send pics of myself,hope to hear from the pretty ladys of Prague.
12/24/03 |
i/m 40 years old visiting prague in summer 2004
looking for girl to spend a week visiting the city and having good time.if u r interesting please e.mail me at hisham_aly@hotmail.com
thank you
12/23/03 |
i will be travelling to prague for my stag trip on 23/24/25 of april 2004 and need to know if sparta have a home fixture on either the 24th or 25th? also any advice on the best place to aquire tickets? many thanks!
ANSWER: Sparta Praha plays in Brno on April 24. So you would have to go there by bus, aprrox. 2,5 hours. More info at www.sparta.cz. |
12/22/03 |
Are there trains which go from the airport to commonly-toured places in Prague? How much does it cost?
ANSWER: Either trains, but usually buses go everywhere. See www.vlak-bus.cz website. |
12/22/03 |
We are going to Prague for 3 nights in February and I was wondering is it possible to go on a 1 day ski trip from there?
ANSWER: You can do that, but you have to go early in the morning and usually it is better to go by car because otherwise you would spend all day travelling. |
12/19/03 |
is the Don Giovanni hotel nice and how far is it away form the Holiday Inn Thank you
ANSWER: It is on the other side of the city. It is quite nice, good connection but it is located close to a very busy street. |
12/19/03 |
Hi, I was wondering if any one can recommend a cheaper place to stay if you are a gay visitor. Also where is a good place to eat?
ANSWER: You mean like special discount for gays? I do not know about any, if you want cheaper accommodation book a hostel.. |
12/17/03 |
do you have to know the language to get around in prague?
ANSWER: English or German are OK. |
12/17/03 |
Are western cigarettes, bensons,lamberts etc available in prague and if so how much do they cost and where is the best place to buy them,thanks.
ANSWER: I do not know if particulary those two brands are sold in Czech, however the variety is quite big. Usually one pack costs about 50CZK. |
12/16/03 |
Hello, Myself and a group of friends will be visiting Prague for 3 nights in April 04 and we will be staying at Prague Central Hotel; I was wondering if anyone could tell me what this hotel is like and if it is central to bars & restaurents?
Also could you tel me what the weather is like in April and is it busy - thank you
ANSWER: This hotel is located in the Old Town, really nice place. There are a lot of restaurants around. Just walk towards Wenceslas Square. Some pictures of the hotel can be found at this web. We call the weather in April- April weather and that means it is almost imposiible to predict and it is changing really fast. It might rain for few minutes, then be sunny for half an hour and then rain again. Check the weather forecast before you go. |
12/16/03 |
I am comming to Prague for the first time soon. Should I bring travellers cheques or cash and should it be in Euros or Czech Crowns?
ANSWER: Everything works in Prague. With cash it is usually better to change your money once in Prague, because you will get a better rate than in your country. |
12/16/03 |
i will be stopping over in Prague for 1 day on December 29th from 8 am till midnite. what do i do when i get out of the airport? I want to do a little touring of the Synagogues in the Jewish part of Prague. Do i catch a bus, taxi, walk, etc.?
ANSWER: Take the Airpot minibus to Namesti Republiky. It will cost you 90 CZK/per person. From there you can easily explore the Jewish part just by walking. |
12/16/03 |
what is one dollar worth in Prague? What is their currency?
ANSWER: Our currency is Czech crown- koruna. Exchange rate is around 26CZK for one US dollar. |
12/15/03 |
i am arriving in prague in march.i need to know the best way to get to teplice.how far is it.how long by train.how much in taxi(4 people)
Thanks in advance!
ANSWER: 1 hour 30 minutes by bus, approximately the same time or little bit more by train. Taxi would be really expensive. If you want to go by car- rent one. |
12/15/03 |
My boyfriend are thinking of spending from Christmas Eve through the weekend in Prague. I wanted to know whether this is a bad time of year to come. Is much open in the city centre? Are there restaurants and pubs open on Christmas to eat in?
Any information you can provide would be great.
Thanks in advance!
ANSWER: A lot of tourists come to Prague at that time, so all the major touristic attractions are open. Also it should be no problem to find suitable restaurant or pub. |
Marshall Johnson
12/13/03 |
I plan on moving to Praha the end of February. I am enrolled in Oxford House to obtain a certificate to teach English as a second language. I hope to find a job in Prague. I have been there many times during the past three years. I am looking for an inexpensive flat. My main requirement is one that is close to a tram or metro stop. Any suggestion as to where I should start looking. I will be in Praha for a week at Christmas time.
ANSWER: Since flats are quite expensive, it is quite common to share them. For starting info check www.expats.cz, web sites with offers of flats in Prague are www.reality.cz and www.bytyvpraze.cz. |
12/12/03 |
glasgow celtic will play fc teplice on March 3. where is teplice? and can anyone recommend hotels, transport etc?
ANSWER: Teplice is in the north of Prague. The easiest way how to get there is by bus. For more info about Teplice and to find accommodation, visit teplice.cz. |
12/11/03 |
Hello! We will be staying in Prague for a week in March and are thinking of renting a car to drive to Austria or Germany for the day. Do you recommend one over the other? Do you think it would be worth the time and effort? We have never been, we think that we might have too much in Prague to see...Thank you so much!
ANSWER: I have no personal experience with the rent a car agency, however before you rent a car make sure that you are allowed to travel with it abroad. Otherwise I would just choose based on the prices. I think, it is a good idea to rent a car- I would recommend you to travel to Vienna through the Southern Bohemia- there are a lot of castles and nice towns to visit on your way :). |
j. jay
12/11/03 |
Would you be able to inform me of any names and addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers of any
au-pair agencies in praque, thanking you for your help
ANSWER: Contact au pair agency info@au-pairprague.cz. |
12/11/03 |
You seem to know a lot about Prague... do you ever give tours to visitors?
ANSWER: Just to my friends who come to visit me :). |
12/10/03 |
My partner and I are in Prague for a few days over New years Eve. My questions are as follows:-
(1) We are staying at the Renaissance Hotel, is this hotel nice ? and how long would it take to walk to the old town from here?
(2) How is New years Eve best celebrated in Prague i.e street parties - fire works etc etc.
Many thanks in advance
ANSWER: It should take about 10- 15 minutes to walk from your hotel to the Old Town Square. The hotel is just few years old, it should be fine. In general people go out to the streets and celebrate there, open champagnes and have their own fireworks. Sometimes there is a central firework organized by the city at Letna, but I do not know if this will be this year as well. Just ask at the hotel, they should know. |
12/09/03 |
Hi, Me and my girlfriend are going to Praque
and staying in the Belveder Hotel in Feb 2004.I was wondering if this Hotel is any good?? Also is the area near City Centre? Would you be able to recommend any good Bars / Night Clubs. Thanks.
ANSWER: I have no experience with this hotel. It is a little bit out of the center, you will need to take a tram or metro to get to the center. However it should not be such a big deal. I try not to recommend specific bars, because everyone's taste is different- just walk through the city and I am sure you will find one that you like. Enjoy your stay! |
12/09/03 |
I am a french photographer looking for glamour model 18 to 24 years old beginners and professinnals welcome and make up artist as well i will be in prague in january to do some photo set
contact me via email at fredgallery@yahoo.com
I am looking for a flat to share in prague(6000 and 11000czk) for the 6th of january and for 2 month
I used to share flat because I have been living in england since 5 years now
as concern me I am very open minded people and an easy going person so if somebody as a flat to share
many thanks
12/08/03 |
Whrere can I find the 2004 dates for Bustehrad collector's market?
ANSWER: So far they have only dates for 2003, but keep an ey on the web site bustehrad.cz. |
12/08/03 |
I'm a 30 years old American male. I'm a really nice guy. I will be in Prague from December 20, 2003 until January 5, 2004. I need a female to show me around the city and possibly for a serious relationship. I'm mainly going to Prague to look for love and my future wife. Please e-mail me at frankie203@hotmail.com.
ANSWER: Good luck :))). |
12/06/03 |
ANSWER: Take the airport minibus which runs to Namesti Republiky. From there it is about five minutes walking. It will cost you 90 CZK/per person. Here is a timetable . Or you can use public transportation as well- bus #119 to Dejvicka and then underground. |
12/06/03 |
Hi everyone! I'm an English teacher in Slovakia, and I'm trying to find young people who would like to become penfriends with kids in my school. They're learning English, and I think it'd be wonderful for them to have a penfriend who speaks English. So, if this sounds interesting in anyway to you, please contact me, I'd be really glad. My email address: anjelik777@hotmail.com Thanks! :)
12/06/03 |
My husband and I are staying at the Corinthia Towers Hotel in Feb 2004.Is it a good hotel and how far from centre.
ANSWER: There is a really good view from that hotel and the underground station is located just next to it, so there is a relly fast connection to the center (10 minutes). A taxi would cost you around 500- 600CZK. However since it is so close to the metro, I would advise you to take bus #119 to Dejvicka, there switch to metro line A, go to Muzeum where you change to line C and take two more stations to Vysehrad and there it is. It will be faster and you will pay only 12CZK per person. |
12/05/03 |
Hey, were going to prague on a college trip on the 26th-29th January to the film festival, and a few art museums. we were just wondering what clubs and bars you would recomend and also are they strict on ID as while a lot of us are 18 several are 16-17. Are there any other attractions that you would recomend for our age group? oh and is it colder than england around that time of year? thanks. xxxx
ANSWER: It is definitely colder than in England. Bring your warm jackets with you :). ID is usually checked when you go to the clubs, but not in the bars or pubs. As for clubs- try Roxy, Radost FX or Akropolis. Enjoy your stay! |
12/05/03 |
I have paid to stay in the Savoy hotel, which is situated near the castle, I believe, for 4 nights, subject to room avaiability. (An internet auction.)
Could you please recommend the best time(s) to go, (or try to go), and give reasons? I have until the end of 2004 to take the holiday, but would really like to go fairly soon.
Also, and because I cannot walk very far, where might I find a good, large-scale map which shows details - buildings, paths, etc - so I might enjoy as much of Prague as possible without walking further than necessary? Thank you for your time.
ANSWER: I recommend May or end of April when I get question of this type. Prague is just beautiful at that time and it is not that cold anymore and it is not that crowded as well. A nice map of Prague can be found at mapy.atlas.cz, for english version just click on the english flag. |
12/05/03 |
I just got back from Praha last night. The best time I've had on a vacation in years!!! My question is pretty far out, but I'll ask it anyway in hopes that someone can help. My companion and I saw some great crystal items at a shop off Old Town Square the afternoon before we left, but talked ourselves out of buying them because we didn't see a way of getting them all back to the States in our carry-on luggage. Now we decided we want them bad enough to have them shipped. Only problem is we don't have the name of the shop or a phone number/email address. I was hoping that somebody might be able to give me some info if I describe the shop and it's location. It is on the right side of Celetna if you're walking from the Square toward the Powder Tower. The front of the shop is painted GREEN and was the only green colored shop in the area. It seems like it was about half way between the Square and the Tower. I regret not getting their business card or even the name of the shop, but people inside were very nice and helpful. We should have bought the items on the spot and had them shipped from there, but we just couldn't decide with all the rest of the things we had already purchased. Thank you, in advance, for your time and efforts.
ANSWER: Hi Jake, unfortunatelly I am not right now in Prague, so I can not look it up for you. Can you email me to lenka@prague2001.com like in the middle of January to remind me to have a look at it? thanks. |
12/02/03 |
I'm normally based in the UK but I've been working in the US and the Far East for months - Just returned back home and I'm planning a trip to Prague around christmas.
It would be great to find a pretty local girl to show me around for approx 4/5 days. I'm happy to pay expenses etc..
Please feel free to email me and/or send your piccie on funtimes26@hotmail.com
12/01/03 |
I am about to book a short break to Prague for my husband, son and his girlfriend at the end of March. I can't choose between the Ibis Praha and the Bristol Praha. From what I can see the Ibis is closer to the centre of town. The Bristol would appear to be a slightly better hotel, but is further out. Has anyone stayed in either of these hotels? Could someone advise me?
Also, what is the weather like at that time?
Many thanks.
ANSWER: Well there are three ibis praha hotels in Prague, so it is a little bit hard to give an advice since I do not know which one you mean. I would probably choose Bristol, the connection is not so bad- just few stops from the center by tram #9 and it is located in one of the trendy parts of Prague- there are a lot of pubs and restaurants around. Ibis is a part of an international chain, so the quality is high, but it will not have probably the right "Czech atmosphere". Weather is a little bit tricky at that time- it might be cold as well as warm, sunny or rainy. The best thing you can do is to check the weather forecast just before you go. |
Looking for apartment 19 dec - 3 jan
11/01/03 |
We are two persons looking for a flat in Prague to stay for two weeks, 19 December to 3 January, preferably closer to the center. If you have something available, please let me know the location and price. My friend Tomas that lives in Prague will help me to arrange the place, pay the deposit before we arrive.
I'll arrive on Friday 19 December late in the evening, flying from Sweden.
Please mail to: anders.kristiansson@mandator.com
Kind regards // Anders Kristiansson, Stockholm, Sweden
11/28/03 |
A couple of summers ago, I visited Prague and purchased some wonderful crystal old fashion and wine glasses. I would like to replace some chipped pieces, but all I have on the box the wine glasses were packed in is "1.JAKOST KALISEK 6 KS" and a barcode "8 593401 028152". If I can locate the telephone number or web site of the store where I purchased the crystal, I will order more. Can you help me?
ANSWER: I have no clue how to track the manufacturer based on the bar code. Sorry. |
11/28/03 |
I am looking to visit Czech Republic ( Prague ) with in the next year and i would like to find a female friend to show me around. e-mail me in intersted i have pics. What is the exchange rate from USD to the type of money used in czech. also what is it called
cuteitalianceo@aol.com |
ANSWER: It is called koruna (czech crown) and the exhcange rate is around 26,5CZK/1 dollar. |
11/26/03 |
Hi, I'm meeting up with my Ukraine girl friend in Prague and she's booked us into the Bohemia Plada, is this the same hotel as the Grand Hotel Bohemia?
If it is, can you tell me how far it is from the Airport and how much a Taxi will cost me?
I'll be arriving at around 9pm on 13th December, will I have any problems getting a Taxi at that time?
ANSWER: No problem to get a taxi at that time. It should cost about 500CZK. I could not find any hotel called Bohemia Plada, so probably she meant Grand Hotel Bohemia. |
11/26/03 |
Is it possible to consume soft substances such as marajuana/hash here. We heard it was quite liberal on this front the same way as Amsterdam is, the reason being my group of female & male friends are torn between here & Amsterdam, as some are "smokers". Many Thanks! I myself have been desparate to visit for ages!xx
ANSWER: It is quite normal for young people to smoke pot, and usually it is no problem to buy it at the club. However it is not legal, so it might be a little bit dangerous. |
11/26/03 |
I'm going to be in Prague from January 5-10. What should I expect to pay for a nice hotel in the center of town. Thanks.
ANSWER: I would say around 2500- 3000CZK. But check abaka.com, you might get some special deal there. |
11/25/03 |
I am traveling to Prague next week (taking a train from Berlin).
1st question: is the train station within walking distance to hotels?
2nd question: should i make hotel reservations in advanced, or is it usually easy to find vacancy this time of year?
Thanks in advanced for your help!
ANSWER: If you mean Prague Main Railway station- it is really close to the center. I do not think you will have trouble to find accommodation without prior booking. Enjoy your stay! |
11/25/03 |
i have read online that travel in europe is easy and affordable...if i wanted to, say, catch a flight from prague to england, what would i pay?
ANSWER: Yes, it is quite cheap. Check the website of Czech airlines www.csa.cz and EasyJet www.easyjet.com for the current offers. |
11/25/03 |
I willbe in Prague from 22nd till 26th December and would like to know if anyone can recommend any gay clubs good for dancing the night away.
ANSWER: Try to visit the gay guide to Prague. |
11/25/03 |
As a surprise for my wifes birthday I have booked a four day break to prague for the weekend before christmas. We are going to stay at the Elite hotel. I have also booked tickets for the Christmas Concert at the Municipal House on the 22nd.
Is the Elite hotel good? What should I wear to the concert (will I look out of place in a tux)? and what are the chances that there will be a bit of snow on the ground?
ANSWER: Good location. In the center, but a little bit of the main touristic track, which makes the environment more quite. Men usually wear dark suits to concerts like this. Snow is a tricky thing, so far it looks like it will be rather warm. Enjoy your stay! |
11/25/03 |
I will be in Prague over Christmas and will be flying home on 26th December. Will it be possible to get a taxi to the airport from the Ibis Hotel in central Prague on that day and how much will it cost?
ANSWER: Yes, taxi drivers are always working. It should cost about 450 CZK. |
11/23/03 |
We want to visit Prague in 2004 and should be grateful if you could advise when the best time to visit, is in Spring /summer (and your reason) and where is the best place to stay- could you make three suggestions for accomodation please (expensive, moderate + pension)
ANSWER: Late May is the best time. Not that many tourists and Prague is beatiful at that time of year. For accommodation I advise people to use abaka.com services- they offer a huge variety of possibilities. |
11/23/03 |
My daughter and I are going to Prague first week of December for the first time. A couple of questions - what sorts of prices are we talking for the garnet and amber jewellry we've heard is supposedly such good value? We 'd like to know what to expect so we don't get ripped off.
Also, have geard such horror stories about the pollution and dishonesty - any of this true? Prepare us for the worst or the best! This is our first time in Prague!
ANSWER: Sorry, but I do not know the prices for amber jewellery. Try to check several stores before you buy one, this way you will know that you got a good deal. Pollution used to be quite a problem in the early 90's but it really improved. Dishonesty- well that is a tough answer. I would give you advice to avoid stopping a taxi on the street, if you need one-call for one ie. AAA taxi. The second thing is do not buy tickets from the street sellers. The concerts they are offering are not that good. Enjoy Prague! |
11/22/03 |
hello. i'll be visiting prague from december 15th to the 22nd, and staying at the hotel berlin. has anyone heard of it? is it ok? please be honest. thanks!
ANSWER: It is located a little bit out of the center, rather in a busy area, but their web looks OK. More info at berlin.cz |
11/22/03 |
my partner and i will be visiting prague this december. after that we wish to explore some of the mountain towns and ski resorts, eventhough we don't ski. can you recommend the best mountain range to visit? we are looking for quaint christmasy towns.
ANSWER: I recommend you either Krkonose in the north, probably Spindleruv Mlyn. More info about resorts can be found at http://www.algonet.se/~mljung/czechia.htm. Or Sumava in the south. |
11/22/03 |
do the chrismas markets in prague run all week or just at the weekends, we are going for a short break and wont get there untl saturday evening.
ANSWER: They run all week long. |
11/21/03 |
We are staying at a hotel at Malantrichova Hotl Melantrich.(between old town and wenceslas square). Is this a good area?
It is supposed to be beside a market. What kind of market is this?
ANSWER: That is right in the very center. By the market they probably mean the Christmas fair at the Wenceslas Square.
11/20/03 |
Hi,My partner and I are visiting praque on 27th Nov for 3 days. We are thinking of staying at the Ametyst Hotel,could you tell me if it has a good reputation and if it's close to the center.
Also which is the best way to get there from the airport, we have heard the Taxis can be very expensive .Thanks
ANSWER: It is located in a residential area. There is a good connection to the center from there (tram #22 or 23 or metro Namesti Miru). The best thing is to use the public transportation- it is the fastest and cheapest way how to get to that hotel. Buy a ticket at a newsstand at the airport (12 CZK) and get on the bus #119 that will take you to Dejvicka (final station), there get off and walk to the metro station and go all the way to Namesti Miru. From there you can either walk or take a tram for one stop to the station Jana Masaryka. Enjoy your stay!
11/20/03 |
Hi I am trying to locate a jewellery store in prague called Blue Rabbit ? we were in prague last year and purchased a bracelet. We are back in New Zealand and my partner has lost the bracelet. we are very upset about this and would love to purchase another one. Can anyone help us with the contact details of this store.
ANSWER: Their address is Karlova 18, Praha 1. Phone number +420 222 220 121.
11/19/03 |
What is your personal opinions on Roxy and RadostFX? I was in Roxy a couple years ago and loved it, but never been in RadostFX... how do they compare? Which do you prefer?
ANSWER: I haven't been to them for quite a while. Both of them are good, it is not possible to say which one is better because that differs according to their program. Try it for yourself when you come to Prague :)!
Cookie Monster
11/19/03 |
A couple more questions:
1) If you could pick two Czech cuisine restaurants in Prague 1 to eat at, which one would you choose and why?
2) What would you order at these restaurants?
3) If you could do one thing on New Year's Eve night in Prague 1, what would you do?
ANSWER: Prague 1? Probably U vejvodu and their speciality "Pecena kolena na pive" or roast duck with dumplings and then Stoleti and one of their steaks :). But if you did not narrow down your search just to Prague 1, Potrefena husa would be one of my choices. New Years Eve- have a big dinner and then go out to one of the bridges to see all the fireworks.
11/18/03 |
I am traveling to Prague next year, and would like to know the distance from Prague airport to the hotel Artesse.
Many Thanks
ANSWER: It is about 19 kilometers.
Mrs Anand
11/19/03 |
Hello, I am looking for an aupair please be in touch goldensp@msn.com
11/18/03 |
I am writing a research paper and want to know the history of Petrin Hill. Was it ever used as a place where firing squads would kill people?
ANSWER: An interesting question. I did some research and this is what I found: Petrin is mentioned in the oldest Czech chronicle written by Kosmas as a place where the dynasty of Vrsovci was executed in 1108. This however does not mean that Petrin was an executioner hill. Executions were quite rare at this place.
11/18/03 |
I am going to be staying at Pension Dientzenhofer (www.dientzenhofer.cz) soon. Are you familiar with it? Based on the location the web site (Nosticova 2), how far do you think this is from Old Town Square/Center?
Also, is it located in a safe area? I will be going to the Roxy and walking back to the Pension late at night or early in the morning, so is it okay/safe to walk back from Roxy to Nosticova 2? Please advise.
ANSWER: It is a nice location, at the heart of Mala Strana, just a few minutes from Malostranske namesti. It will take you about 15-20 minutes to walk from there to the Old Town Square. It is safe to walk back home from Roxy during the night or early morning. Especially the early morning walk should be very refreshing because you walk across the Charles bridge :). Enjoy!
Cookie Monster
11/18/03 |
I am coming to Prague for New Year's and want to find two things: 1) a great restaurant/pub with New Year's celebrations/entertainment and 2) a few REALLY good Czech restaurants that are not expensive or too "touristy". Here are the recommendations I've received for No. 2 so far. What do you think about these suggestions and do you recommend any others? Also, do you know of any New Year's Eve restaurant/pub recommendations? Thank you.
Novoměstský Pivovar, U Glaubiců, U Vejvodů, Hergetova Cihelna, Potrefena husa, Stoleti, Kolkovna
ANSWER: Almost every restaurant in the center offers a special New Year's celebration. The best thing to do is to have a look at some and than choose. In general all of them are good choices. Novomestsky pivovar and Potrefena husa are the two places where local people would go. Stoleti- very stylish. U Glaubicu- typical Czech dishes, a litle bit higher prices since it is right in the center. U vejvodu- something like the popular touristic pub "U Fleku", but with a local atmosphere. Hergetova Cihelna- nice interior, but more expensive.
11/18/03 |
Looking to start a new life in Prague. I am very interested in opening either a coffee shop or even a fast food outlet. Need to know where to look and a rough idea on cost and possible contacts to enter the market.....
Also, i find the property in Prague over priced - is there any possibility the prices will fall? If not, what and where is the best investment?Contact orlando140@hotmail.com.... Thx
ANSWER: Real Estate consultants do not expect the prices to lower in the short term, especially when joining the EU next May.
11/18/03 |
How long does the Christmas market last? Will it still be around in early January or late December? Same with the Christmas lights/decorations, will those still be up around New Year's time?
ANSWER: Christmas decoration and lights are definitely up around New Year's time, usually also the first week of January. I am not so sure about the Christmas market, but I would say it also stays at least till the beginning of January. |
11/18/03 |
Tell us a little more about you -- what do you study or what kind of work do you do.
ANSWER: Curious :)? See the contact section. And who are you?
tracey, ken julie & mark
11/17/03 |
hi we are staying at the GOLDEN TULIP DIPLOMAT next weekend.Has anybody been there and are we near to the the old town.Can anybody recomend and nice restuarnt for the saturday night.
thanks for all your help.
ANSWER: It is close to the Prague Castle, but since it is located on the other side it might take like 15 minutes by metro to get to the center. But the metro station is really close- get off at Staromestska for the Old Town, or Mustek for Wenceslas square and shopping. As for the restaurant, I just copy the advice I gave few days ago: Restaurant with a typical Czech food is Kolkovna (http://www.kolkovna.cz/en/main.htm) or Potrefena husa (Vinohradska 104). They are not the fanciest restaurants in the world, but the atmosphere is great and you will be able to get some Czech specialities there. If you want something more fancier- try U modre Kachnicky (http://www.umodrekachnicky.cz, Nebovidska 6). For more advices about restaurants, go to the main page and search for "restaurant". Enjoy your stay! |
11/14/03 |
i will be staying at the hotel duo how easy is it to get into the center of the city for there
Thanks for your help
ANSWER: It takes some time, but the public transportation is quite efficient. You take a bus from Prosek to the metro station Nadrazi Holesovice and from there it is only a few stops to the center. |
11/12/03 |
A friend and I are going to Prague in December 2003, and want to go to Bushterhad. Any idea on how to get there from central Prague via train, bus, etc. Thanks!
ANSWER: To Bustehrad take a bus. Timetable and more info at www.vlak-bus.cz. |
11/12/03 |
Hi there: I arrived in Prague today and it is a wonderful city. I have read that soft drugs such as marijuana are legal here. Where would one go to find such things for purchase?
ANSWER: Not really. You are allowed to have a small amount of pot with you, but it is illegal to sell any. However you can usually get some in the music clubs. |
11/11/03 |
We will be visiting Prague from Dec. 30 - Jan. 3. How convenient of a location is the Movenpick Hotel. Also, any suggestions for 2 middle-aged women to do on New Year's Eve? Are there any clubs, etc. that cater to the 40 and over crowd? Will it be too late to make dinner reservations for New Year's Eve upon our arrival?
ANSWER: Well, it is quite close to the Old Town, but the environment is not that nice since Movenpick is located right in the middle of quite a busy intersection. I do not know about any clubs that would specifically target your age group, but I am sure you will find what will suit you when you arrive. You should still be able to make a dinner reservation for the New Year's Eve when you get to Prague, usually the restaurants have special programme for the whole night. |
11/10/03 |
I shall be visiting Prague next week. Could you please give me an idea how much a taxi should cost from the airport to Jalta hotel? I don't want to get ripped off. ;)
ANSWER: The fixed fee is around 30Kc, plus 22Kc/ 1km. To Hotel Jalta you should pay around 400CZK. |
Lee Ann
11/10/03 |
hi everyone, i m going to praque for short visit on 5-7 dec with some friends. Since it's in the weekend n also on sinterklaas day (if im not mistaken), we wanna know whether stores are open in this period. we plan to go our christmas shopping there.thanks in adavance,xoxo
ANSWER: Yes they are open. |
11/09/03 |
I'm visiting Prague with my wife (it's her birthday!) and another couple on the the 4th - 8th December. We are staying at the Hotel Astoria. A few questions if I may:
1) Know anything about the hotel? And how easy is it to get there from the airport by minibus? 2) Are there any special events on during our visit? 3) Is there anything special to do in Prague that would be a nice surprise for my wife? 4) We would all like to try traditional food that the locals would eat - where would you suggest?
Thanks for your help
ANSWER: It is a relly nice location, just in the center of the Old Town.It should take about 30-45 minutes to get there from the airport by a minibus. I would recommend you to visit the Czech Press Photo exhibition at the Old Town hall, however there will be a lot of things going on at that time- see www.pis.cz for more info. As for the typical Czech food try Kolkovna (which is really close to your hotel: http://www.kolkovna.cz/en/main.htm) or Potrefena husa (Vinohradska 104). They are not the fanciest restaurants in the world, but the atmosphere is great and you will be bale to get some Czech specialities there. If you want something more fancier- try U modre Kachnicky (http://www.umodrekachnicky.cz, Nebovidska 6). |
11/09/03 |
I will be in Prague on 17th November,i am aware that this day is a national holiday, "Struggle for Freedom Day".Can you please tell me how this day is celebrated.Will "special" events be taking place or will all the shops and workplaces close and then everyone will go and get drunk?
ANSWER: In general we are not really big in celebrating national days. Some of the shops will be closed and in general people will just enjoy a longer weekend- no special events usually take place. And no reason to get drunk :). |
11/08/03 |
Hey, My Girlfriend and I visited Prague in May. While we were at the castle we visited a photography shop that had awesome panoramic pictures of Prague. We think they had a web site. Does anyone know what I am talking about. THANKS
ANSWER: Does anyone know? |
11/07/03 |
Hello...my name is Lucy.i plan to go to praque for xmas holiday. does anyone know a good pension or hostel? if you do, please inform the telephone number or email.thank you.
ANSWER: Travellers hostel is a good choice. People also like Sir Toby's hostel. More info about hostels at hostel.cz. |
11/07/03 |
I contacted you a short while ago regarding the purchase of the CZECH national football shirt ( Away Kit).
I eventually contacted Puma themselves to enquire as to where i may obtain one.
After a bit of searching they came back to me and said that they do make the home kit (red)but although they sent out a few samples regarding the away kit design they were not taken up on it so they don't make the away kit.
I have looked at a few pictures of the Czech's in their away shirts but am unable to make out who make the away shirts.
Can you throw any light on this for me so I may contact the actual manufacturers.
Thanks again
ANSWER: It looks like they have a big problem at PUMA- they do not even know what they are producing. I checked pictures from the last games and here is the result: in France white shirts with blues strip by PUMA, in Wien red shirts with blue by PUMA, and HOME GAME in Prague against Austria blue shirts! Here is a picture that proves it. |
11/05/03 |
hi its me again,i have arranged some accomadation for the stag do i am booking but im a bit worried it might not be too close too all the good bars,pubs and clubs?? its the hotel slavia 3*, apparently its 10 minutes away from the old town,which sounds a little out of the way? could you please tell me if its near wensclas sq,or how far iy is too all the bars and clubs, and if its in a good situation,??? i dont ask for much do i :)..... thanks very much again
ANSWER: Hi :)! I have to disappoint you, that hotel is a little bit out of the center. It will take at least 25 minutes to the center from that place. And there are not that many bars or restaurants around since it's mainly a residential area. Have you tried to search for some hotels at Zizkov (prague 3)? That would be the area I would focus on since there is such a huge variety of pubs....
11/05/03 |
Can anyone tell me when the christmas market,in Prague,starts this year.Thanks
ANSWER: Usually the Christmas markets start the last week of November.
San Diego Scandinavian wants to move to Prague!
11/05/03 |
Seeking a beautifully furnished, centrally located apartment/flat home in the center of Prague with view!
For 3+ month stay in 2004.
Will pay with American Dollars.
Owners or Agencies welcome.
email info: fotografx@sbcglobal.net
11/05/03 |
Planning a summer visit to my flat in Praha in Summer 2004. I would also like to meet some artisic and intellectual people during my stay, pref. into culture, arts, shopping and business trends.
Please reply to: fotografx@sbcglobal.net
11/04/03 |
1. Based on the history of the Czech Republic, what are several specific business challenges and opportunities that you think exist for the Czech Republic?
2. What might be the particular challenges and opportunities of the Organizational Development (OD) practitioner who works on the Czech Republic.
3. What do I need to know for will be working in the Czech Republic. Specifically, what MUST I have to know about people, businesses, realtionships of the CR with the European Union and other trade and political friends and antagonists, etc. in order to practice effectively in this culture?
ANSWER: This sounds like a school assignement :)). Check the business section at Czech.cz, which is run by the Czech government. Also some useful reports about doing business in the Czech Republic can be found at website of Czechinvest.cz.
11/04/03 |
Hello myself and 3 friends are going to be in Prague on Thursday for 3 nights and are wondering what is the best way to get to our accom. (we are staying in Pension Brezina, Legerova 39-41, Praha 2, 120 00) from the airport? also what are the best things to do? we have heard u can go to a shooting range but we don't know how to book it and plus we want to see a sparta prague game and mebbe a hockey game how would we book these? also what are the price ranges on beer etc. in the bars?
ANSWER: Take the public transportation, which is the cheapest solution. Bus #119 will take you to Dejvicka (do not forget to get the ticket before you get on the bus), where you change to metro (A line) to Muzeum, there you change to C line and get off the next station at I.P.Pavlova. From there you can easily walk to your hotel. Usually you do not have to book anything in advance, just go there before the game. Football web site for Sparta Praha is sparta.cz and Sparta's Ice-hockey games hcsparta.cz . By the shooting place you probably mean Laser game at Narodni (right in the center), or is it something else? Beer usually starts around 20CZK, drinks are around 80CZK.
Culture Vulture
11/03/03 |
Has anyone stayed in the Hotel Evropa in Vaclavske namesti?
The Rough Guide describes it as "Without doubt the most beautiful hotel in Prague, built in the 1900s and suptuously decorated Art Noveau style; the rooms are furnished in repro Louis XIV; and there are some cheaper ones without en-suite facilities. Yet despite its prime location and its incredible decor, this place is run like an old communist hotel - a blast from the past in every sense" It is a two star hotel.
I would like to know what to expect from an "old communist hotel" before I book...
can anyone help?
ANSWER: I have no references about that hotel at all, it looks nice from the outside, but.. well, check their web site for more information and photos: http://www.evropahotel.cz/.
11/03/03 |
which area is the best for shopping and what sort of bargains are there for clothes...and what the best place to go for cheap food
ANSWER: Cheap food- definitely hypermarkets such as Tesco, Globus or Hypernova. They are usually located on the outskirts of the city. A lot of clothing stores are around Wenceslas Square. In general it is not that much cheaper than in other countries, especially during Christmas time. There are some big sales in January.
11/03/03 |
can anyone tell me what the best clubs/nightclubs to go to on an friday or saturday nights...and what are the dress codes for most of these places
ANSWER: It depends for what type of a club you are looking for. Exclusive one or normal place where local people go? I gave some hints on that question a lot of times, just search this site for night clubs. There is usually no dress code, just wear what you like.
11/03/03 |
How far from the Hotel 'PARIZ' to the old town square as this is where I will be staying. Also, will just having a phrase book & dictionary be all that I will need since I do not speak the language?
ANSWER: It is very close, maybe as close as it can be :). Five minutes if you walk. A phrase book and dictionary will be all right, English or German are enough to get around.
10/31/03 |
I have been trying to obtain a Czech Republic National Football shirt and for some reason without success. I particularly wanted the blue away shirt.
Can anyone point me to a website where I may obtain one either in the UK or Europe.
ANSWER: I do not know why it is so hard to find one :(. I even searched at the official site of Puma (they make those T-shirts), but they do not offer any online. Maybe you can try to search for the closest retailer selling Puma stuff at http://www.pumafootball.com/ and ask him to order it for you.
10/31/03 |
I am desperately looking for 2 tickets to the Robbie Williams concert on 4th November. I know this is very last minute but all my flights are booked and I am ready to get the very best possible seats.
Could anyone help?
ANSWER: I have just checked the reservation center and the concert is sold out. But do not give up- usually it is possible to buy tickets right before the concert, some people decide they do not want to go, or they are sick or they bought the tickets to resale them (kind of black market). But you will probably have to pay more than was the original price.
10/30/03 |
I am coming to Prague on Nov. 9, 2003 and am interested in finding beads and antique at wholesale prices since I have a store here in the USA. I would also like to find a guide that speaks english and would be able to show me the best places to go for shopping. Thank you, Lisa
ANSWER: See the website glass.cz. It contains a database of Czech manufactures.
10/29/03 |
Hello, I notice you need to book a restaurant in advance for new years eve? Do you have any suggestions for 2 young people looking for good food and entertainment to start the night off?
Also, how do we make reservations from the UK?
ANSWER: It is OK to make reservation once you get to Prague. I just wanted to point out that it is not the best idea to wait till the very late (new years eve) and then start looking for a good restaurant, because some of them might be already fully booked. While you will be exploring Prague, just have your eyes open and I am sure you will find a restaurant that will suit you.
10/29/03 |
I will be in Prague for a few days over Christmas and would like to know what to expect on Christmas Day in the city centre?
ANSWER: Bunch of people trying to buy their presents at the last moment. Other people walking around, just enjoying Christmas time and the atmosphere :).
10/29/03 |
My family and I will be in Prague for Christmas. Does anyone know someone who would be willing to prepare a traditional Czech Christmas meal on Christmas day?
ANSWER: Czech traditional Christmas meal is fried carp with potato salad. And of course fish soup. I am pretty much sure, some of the restaurants will offer this menu....
10/28/03 |
Does prague have soft drug, marijuana/Hasish, coffee shops like Amsterdam?
ANSWER: No, since it is illegal to sell soft drugs.
10/26/03 |
hi again,im struggling to find a hotel which will cater for 30 people,could you please point me in the right direction as i am struggling,thanks very much again.
ANSWER: Hi Jesky. The best way is to check the offer by Abaka. For example Hotel & Residence Praga1 looks like a good deal, and is close to the Wenceslas Square too.
10/25/03 |
Hi, My friend and I are spending the new year in Prague. We have a couple of questions?
1) Do we need to book a restaurant for new years eve?
2)Any suggestions on what to do on new years eve (fireworks, bars etc?)and do we need to book in advance.
We can't wait!!
ANSWER: You definitely need to book a place in a restaurant. Almost every restaurant offers a special menu and attractions during the new years eve. Just choose what suits you the best. There is usually a big firework above Letna, but I do not know if it will be also this year. The most heavy celebrations take place at the Old Town Square and Wenceslas Square.
10/24/03 |
hi im goin to prague next april(2004) is it busy that time,will i have to book a room well in advance?i know the drinking age is 18,are they strict about that?
ANSWER: It depends when exactly you come, if it will be around Easter, then you should book your room. Otherwise it is not necessary. The ID is not usually checked when ordering alcohol.
10/24/03 |
I am a 24 year old Auzzie who is taking an extended 4 year holiday in aim of seeing the world. I have been in Chicago for the last year and am looking to spend some time touring Europe. I particularly want to spend some time in Praque. I am interested in finding some sort of work and accomodation to help with my stay. I am looking to meet some new friends and really see the area and would appreciate any advice on the best way to get around safely and cheaply.
ANSWER: If you want to move to Prague for a longer period of time, check out www.expats.cz. You will find useful information there.
10/23/03 |
Hi: I'm visiting Prague on November middle with a group of students, I'm looking for some christian churchs , and some CD' of Christian metal music, also some bookstores . Any suggestion is welcome. Thanks a lot , and God bless you!!!!!!!!!!.....
ANSWER: Ninety nine percent of the churches that you will find in Prague are christian churches. There are a lot of them, so it would make no sense to write you the names. For the CD- probably the best thing is to visit the big CD stores like Bonton Megastore at the Wenceslas Square and ask directly there.
joan novak
10/23/03 |
I am looking for the name, address and hopefully telephone number of a crystal store very close to Cafe kafka. I was in Prague before the summer and purchased some items and as I was travelling the store kindly stored them for me. I was in touch with them in July but have since lost their address and phone number. I would really like to contact them to make arrangements for my things to be sent out to me. I loved your country very much and would love to return when the opportunity came about. There were two store very close to one another the one I am looking for is the smaller one of the two. If you cannot help perhaps you could tell me how I might locate this store. I would recognize the address and location from a map. Thanks for any help or advice... Joan Novak
ANSWER: Since I am not right now in Prague, I am not bale to help you. Maybe if you try to find the name of the street that is near at http://mapy.atlas.cz, and once you know the street you can search for the exact address of the store and the phone number at http://ctel.iol.cz
10/22/03 |
We will be in Prague during St Nicholas Feast. Are the activities during this day for the whole family or for adults only (like Mardi Gras)?Where are most of the activities at?
ANSWER: Actually, it is more for kids. Nicholas with his angels and devil walks around and gives sweets to the kids that behaved well througout the year and coal to those who were "bad". For special events on that day, check out the website of Prague information service (www.pis.cz).
10/21/03 |
My family and I will be in Prague Dec 21 to Dec 26. We are interested in the Christmas markets and activities. Where would you suggest we look. We are staying at the Pension Standard. Is this a good location? Are the P+R parking areas safe to leave your car for a few days and what is the cost?
Thank you for your time.
ANSWER: Usually Prague information service (www.pis.cz) usually publishes all the events that are going to happen during the Christmas time. P+R is safe, but you can leave your car there just during the day, it is not for a long term parking. Standard has a central location, you will get a wonderful view of Prague Castle from there.
10/21/03 |
hi! i'm immigrating to the czech republic in january, and looking forward to your beautiful city. i'm from minnesota in the states, where the winters are worse than in norway, but we still bicycle all year. prague is a winter city, but also pretty hilly, as i recall. do you guys bike all year too?
also, i remember a bar in prague 2 that i went to when i was there last, which (pleasantly) surprised us by how freely everyone was Smoking in the upstairs section of the bar! is all of the czech republic like that?
ANSWER: Well, if you can bike all year round in Minnesota, then you can definitely do that in CZ too :), because winters are not that bad. Usually it is allowed to smoke in most of the bars.
10/21/03 |
My husband, parents, and I are planning a trip to the Czech Republic in September, 2004. I would like to get information regarding fishing in the area.
Are there any books I can purchase to read up on this activity?
What lakes, streams, etc. do you recommend and what would we be catching at that time.
ANSWER: There is a special magazine about fishing http://www.rybari.cz/. Maybe if you write to some of the contacts they have there, they will be able to give you some more info.
10/21/03 |
Hope you can help, I from london, travelling to Prague on the 25/11/03 for 4 days with the boyz, for a good time and getting hammered, if there is anyone travelling to Prague during this time, please contact me on dr_sunny259@hotmail.com we could hook up for a few drink.
One of the boyz would like to know where the best go-go bars are? included clubs which play hiphop and salsa.
ANSWER: Can not help you on the go-go bars. List of latin clubs with salsa is available at salsaonline.cz. Almost every club in the center also plays hip-hop.
10/20/03 |
Hi- a friend and I will be in Prague soon and we're wondering if there are facilities in the city to get a therapeutic massage? Not a prostitute, a real massage and possibly a mineral bath. If not in the city, how about Krazny Vary? Thanks.
ANSWER: Yes, there are a lot of possibilities, here is a link. If you want a mineral bath- you can try some spas that are close to Prague such as Lazne Bohdanec (http://www.llb.cz/en/) or Podebrady (http://www.lazne-podebrady.cz/angl/index_an.htm). Here is a link to Karlovy Vary http://www.imperial.kv.cz/.
10/20/03 |
hi im arranging a stag do in prague for next year in may,im thinking of booking some apartments near wensclas square,is it any good round there or do you recomend any were else,its a group of 30 people.... also could you recomend any airlines for cheap flights.thanks very much
ANSWER: If it is stag party- Wenceslas square is all right, cheaper variation might be Zizkov. EasyJet flies to Prague, also Czech Airlines have some special offers.
Sally D
10/20/03 |
HI, I shall be arriving in Prague on 25/10/03-28/10/03.My family will be staying at Hotel Marketa.Where will we find the nearest bus stop to take us to the centre of the city.Thanks Sally D
ANSWER: There is a bus stop Kajetanka, however the best is probably to walk to tram station Marjanka or Baterie (see map).
10/20/03 |
I am travelling to Prague with some friends. Myself and another are of Indian descent and of darker skinn.
We have heard of the skinheads in Prague and wish to avoid them. Where do they usually hang out so we can plan for our safety accordingly?
ANSWER: They usually get together during the football games, so if you want to be 100% sure you want to avoid them, just do not go to those games. Otherwise, you should be safe.
10/19/03 |
hi me and my boyfriend will be visiting prague for the first time in december. We enjoy eating out so would be gratefull if you could like us some tips on the best resturants to visit.
ANSWER: See the website gurman.cz, it contains rankings of the Czech restaurants. I would recommend you to visit Circle Line Malostranske nam. 12 (www.praguefinedining.cz), Rudy Baron Korunni 23, Praha 2, Posezeni u Ciriny
Navratilova 6, Praha 1 or a typical Czech "pub" U Sadlu Klimentska 2.
10/19/03 |
I would like to go to Prague for two weeks from Dec 1 to Dec 14. I would like to know the weather. What is the climate?
ANSWER: It is a typical Central European climate, in December it gets quite cold between -5 to 5 degrees. It might be a little foggy in the mornings. Take warm clothes with you and an umbrella.
10/18/03 |
I will be visiting Prague Nov 12 - 17 and staying at the Hotel Meteor Plaza. Is this a safe area, and is it far from the usual tourist sights? Thank you for your time :-)
ANSWER: It is really close to the center. Within a walking distance to the Old Town, about 10minutes from the Old Town Square. In general Prague is a safe city, just do not hang a lot around the railway stations :).
Mario anc Cielo
10/17/03 |
We will be coming over Dec 2-9. Looking for hotel convenient to transportation. Thinking of the Diplomat or Andel's. Is one better than the other. our return flight is 7am so we need to get to the sirport early morning.
ANSWER: Diplomat has a well established reputation, Andel's is brand new. Diplomat is right on the way from airport to the center, few minutes from Prague Castle, but you will need to take metro to get to the Old Town. Andels is closer to the Old Town and to the "action", but still you will probably take a tram to the center, however the connection is really good and it is right next to a big shopping area. It's up to you to decide :).
10/17/03 |
hi i am from israel i make jewlery and i would like to get some information about some bead factorys un prague
if you you can give me adresses and phone numbers
it will be great
ty - solly
ANSWER: See the website glass.cz. It contains a database of Czech manufactures, quite a big variety to choose from.
10/15/03 |
I will be travelling to Prague on the 14th Nov and will stay for 2-3 days. I wish to know if it is better to stay in Praha 1 if I wish to see the famous places in Prague? In fact I have just booked a place in Praha 3.
ANSWER: Prague 3 is OK. If you take the tram #9, you will be within a few minutes in the center.
10/14/03 |
I am visiting Prgue in December Are their any gyms/fitness centers that allow daily access for a fee located in the city?
ANSWER: Try Facory Pro (http://www.factorypro.cz), Nadrazni 32, Praha 5.
10/14/03 |
hey i am 18 and goin to prague in a few mouths and want to know what the legal drinking age is there?
ANSWER: It is 18 years. Lucky you, huh?
10/14/03 |
hello, i will be looking to rent a flat for three or four months...what can i expect to pay for a one-bedroom flat, roughly? I have seen flats going for around 300$ a month. Also, is it common for people to overcharge americans?
ANSWER: In general small flats are rented for around 300 dollars. There is no difference if you are Czech or American. Just be prepared that usually 1-month rent is to be paid in advance.
10/14/03 |
My wife and I are visiting Prague in December and have the option of staying at either the Intercontinental or Radisson SAS hotels - which one is better situated for getting about in the city? i.e. near Wenceslas Square
ANSWER: Both of them are in the center, but SAS is only two minutes from Wenceslas Square :).
10/12/03 |
hi ppl. im going prague on the 20th oct with my school for five days. gunna be a right laugh. i mean, who is going for culture etc. 50p a pint! anyways, any1 else who is going around this time put on a message (ladies ;) ).
ANSWER: I guess you won't remember a lot from this visit :))).
10/11/03 |
I am hoping to visit Prague soon and wonder if it is friendly for me as I am gay and will be with my partner?
ANSWER: You should have no problem. Here is a link to gay guide http://gayguide.net/Europe/Czech/Prague/.
10/11/03 |
I am planning to visit Prague with a friend over the Christmas period 21st to 26th December. What will the weather be like and will there be plenty to do. Will the public transport be ok to get back to airport on 26th?
ANSWER: It is usually quite cold, maybe aroun 0 degree, also we might get some snow. For cultural events check out www.tickepro.cz and www.pis.cz. There are a lot of things going on at that time of the year. Public transportation runs every day, but since 26th is the national holiday, be prepared that the intervals of the buses might be longer than usual.
10/08/03 |
does anybody know what the hotel bily lev in prague3 is like and how would you get from the airport to it by public transport thank
ANSWER: Do not know anything about the hotel, but it looks nice on the web :). Take a bus #119 to Dejvicka, where you change to metro (A line) and go to Mustek, where you change to tram #9. Get of at the station Seiferotva. Here is a map.
10/08/03 |
can you get public transport from prague to karlovy vary and what does a return ticket cost thank you
ANSWER: You can take a bus to get there, it costs 120 CZK and takes about 2 hours. The buses leave from the main bus station (Florenc).
10/07/03 |
Hi, my friend and I are coming to prague in early november and while there we are going to the Robbie Williams concert at the paegas arena. We are staying at the Artesse Hotel and would like to know how far this is from the concert venue and what transport is available to get there and back. What will the weather be like in November.
ANSWER: Hello. It should not take more than 30 minutes to get there. The best way is to take a tram (you will have to change, though). It gets quite chilly in November, so take some warm clothes with you.
10/07/03 |
Hi, I'll be visiting your country in Nov. I'm trying to find a list of orphanages close to the towns. I don't want to adpot but would like to drop off some school supplies. Thanks.
ANSWER: Here is the list.
10/07/03 |
My son is doing a book report on sixteen century Prague we need to prepare a food item from that time peiod. any ideas? (need easy recipe.) thank-you,Ellen
ANSWER: That is a tough question :). You could probably cook lentil with poached egg and slice of bacon. That should be quite easy to prepare......
Kevin and Kate
10/06/03 |
We are coming to prague on December 4 2003. We have heard so many stories about the Taxi from the airport, being ripped off or worse. Any recomendations would be appreciated.
We are stayiong at the Hotel Mucha on Sokolovska 26. How far is this from the main sites, walking distance or will we need a dreaded taxi again. Any advice on what to see, we are there fro 1 full day and Saturday morning, thanks K & K
ANSWER: If you do not want to take a taxi (they are sometimes overpriced), look for airport mini buses that are run by CEDAZ (white mini buses, right in front of the arrival hall). For 90CZK they will take you to Namesti Republiky, which is not that convenient for you, but you can also ask them to take you directly to your hotel, which should cost around 400CZK. Ask them about the price before you get on. Of course you can take the public transportation, which is the cheapest solution. Bus #119 to Dejvicka, where you change to metro (A line) to Muzeum, there you change to C line and get of the next station at I.P.Pavlova. From there it should not take more than 10 minutes to your hotel. Your hotel is within a walking distance to Wenceslas square, but be prepared that the traffic around is quite heavy.
Check out our 1-day guide to get an idea what to see. Enjoy your stay! PS: If you want to take a taxi in Prague- use AAA taxi,they are solvent.
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Let me be mad with the madness of absinthe, the wildest, most luxurious madness in the world. —Marie Corelli
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