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3 stay 4 w 18-25 ,
05/25/2002 |
English/French speaking couple living 15km from Trier (in Germany) in a fully detached house with garden offer a free room, food etc. to single, "very open-minded" women, 18-25 y.o., hetero or bi (accepting and understanding character). Possibility to learn/perfect English, French and/or German as well as to live "freely" (no rent, food or heating bills!). Short-term stay OK but long-term stay preferred. If interested, please send full details and photo to:
Gifty Wasai ,
05/23/2002 |
Hi ,i'm looking for an old school mate .The last i heard she was in London her name is Akosua Boateng her father is Dr Oti Boateng. I attended Achimota Sec School with her.I've been searching for the last ten years.Please send me information if there is any one out there who knows her where abouts.
Contact me at giftywasai@hotmail.com with any results.Thank you.
Andrea ,
05/23/2002 |
Are there any clubs that play top 40/r'n'b (ie. American) music (not interested in techno) in Prague? Also, is it safe for a young woman like myself to go alone to a night club (from Canada, early 20's)?
ANSWER: What do you mean by 40/rnb? Is it like pop? In Karlovy lazne they have evenings composed just of this music, also Disco Letna has this stuff on it's program. Check out what is going on at ticketpro.cz. All the clubs are relatively safe. |
gareth ,
05/22/2002 |
Hi everyone,
I am 25 year old gay Irish guy visiting Prague from the 28th to the 30th June. As I will be travelling alone I would very much like to meet some interesting people (gay or straight) between 20 and 35 interested in showing me around the city and some of the bars too. Please note I AM ONLY INTERESTED IN FRIENDSHIP
I would very much like to hear from people who are interested in meeting up with me and showing me around the city. My e-mail address is: garethbea@hotmail.com
Deepblue ,
05/22/2002 |
Is there any nice town near Prague? Can you tell me your favourite one(s) if there are many.
ANSWER: Dobris is a nice town, also Benesov is a good place to visit, especially the castle Konopiste there. A very close town is Zbraslav, which has a pretty chateau. Enjoy your stay! |
Gepetto ,
05/22/2002 |
We're coming to Prague on 26'th May and will stay for a week. I'm interested about breweries.
Do you know any interesting breweries in and around Prague? A place in a nature (like the one in Amsterdam) or an authentic place to be (like U Fleku) would be great really.
Also i want to buy a few puppets; but Prague is a 'too touristic' city. So i don't want to pay a lot for lousy touristic stuff. Can you suggest me somewhere to find more authentic and less touristic puppets?
ANSWER: You should definitely visit Staropramen brewery. Almost every man loves it there, click for more info. As for the puppets, visit this web site about marionettes , they also sell their puppets in the stores in the center, but I do not know where exactly. |
ern ,
05/21/2002 |
Hi I am visiting Prague at the end of June and want to know where are the best Youth Hostels to stay in . I will be arriving by Eurolines so I would preferably like a hostel close to the Eurolines station and something not too exopensive.
Many thanks in advance for your help
ANSWER: Hello. Most of the Eurolines arrive either to Florenc (Prague 8) or Zelivska (Prague 2). Since I do not know where exactly you are going to arrive, I can't recommend you just one hostel. Check out hostel.cz. If you need to consult your choice, let me know. |
erica bustos ,
05/21/2002 |
05/18/2002 |
can you recomend any vegetarian cafes to enjoy eating at in prague.e-mail jmobalot@hotmail.com
ANSWER: Here is a list of some good vegetarian restaurants is Prague gurman.cz. I am not a vegeterian, but some good ones are Klub Architektu and Medusa. |
05/14/2002 |
We'll be visiting Prague this summer (June). Is there any hop-on hop-off city tour bus in Prague ?
Many thank's.
ANSWER: There are no exactly hop on buses, but there are normal tour buses. You can find more info about this in the center, for exemple there is a stand of Martin Tours on the street Na prikopech. |
05/09/2002 |
Travelling to Prague in a couple of weeks. I will be staying at the Top Hotel Praha, Prague 4.
What is the best way for me to get to the hotel from the airport? And how much will it cost?
Are Euros used widely now?
ANSWER: Prague 4 is almost on the other side of Prague than the airport. The best thing would be to take the airport minibus. That should cost around 300 CZK. Euros are not used yet, we will still have Czech crowns for couple of years. |
05/07/2002 |
hi! i'm a 28 year old male coming to prague in 2nd week in may. looking for some hot czech female company to hang out in cafe bars, discos, and restaurants. want to see the countryside if possible and do some siteseeing. will you be my guide? contact adventurer27@aol.com
05/07/2002 |
I need the address and website of The Blue Store(Iam not sure of the exact name).They sell glassware and
crystal near the Town Square'Please send info to
me at EDWARD 912 @WEBTV.NET.
Thank you
ANSWER: There are a lot of crystal stores around the Town Square. Could you somehow specify your question, please? |
gordie 1972
05/05/2002 |
Hi Im going to prague in september for a stag do, can you recommend anywhere that will house 13 men for 3 nights over a weekend, want a hotel and not a hostel, and am looking at spending around £20.00 per night per person.
Many thanks
ANSWER: Hey. It is hard to recommend just one hotel, because I do not know what are your preferences. I usually send people to abaka.com where they have a huge selection of Prague hotels, you can book only. Enjoy your stay! |
05/02/2002 |
Hi, I am a single lady traveling solo and expect to be in Prague June 13 thru 16 or 17. I have been looking at places to stay and have decided I would like to be fairly central but far enough from the noise. I wouldn't mind riding a tram but would prefer only one form of public transport to come and go. (that is not both a metro stop and tram ride to get to and from) I would also like an area that is safe at night.I have been e mailing to Sean who recommended this site. He recommended the area of praha 3, which makes sense. What places would you recommend? I would hope to spend no more than $50 a night. Thanks for any tips and I would enjoy hearing from other travelers who plan to be in Prague June 13th.
ANSWER: Area of Prague 3 has a fairly good price/location ratio. Prague 3 is quite big, try to choose a hotel which is close to the center. All kinds of accommodation can be found at abaka.com. As far as I know the pension where Sean stayed was quite a good choice, few tram stops from the center. If you need some more help, let me know. |
Sorin ,
05/01/2002 |
I am traveling to Prague from 4 to 13 may and read somewhere that in order to be alowed to enter the country, one shoud have a passport valid for at least 6 months. Anyone know about this thing? Is it true?
ANSWER: I got to your message a little bit late, sorry. As far as I know this requirement is only for those who need a visa. More info at czechembassy.org. |
Marc ,
05/01/2002 |
Coming to Prague 21-23 june want to spend the saturday looking at interesting places, preferably with someone with intellectual background interests and at least some English! and a good evening dining etc. Wide interests, widely/travelled/mature- am an active motorcyclist and motorcycle exGP rider as well as an early music, food, wine etc.fan.. love conversation. A wicked and extremely dry of humour
comments: Currently a senior Professor, I just want some intelligent and lively company to enjoy a magnificently historical yet contemporary city on my probably only visit! I helped a couple of students escape in 1967 and helped to get one into Oxford (Johnny Eisler), where I was then a (VERY young) student). I always wanted to come to Prague but for quite some years was forbidden due to my then scineific occupation.. id hate to waste the day on my own when I could learn more from talking to somone who really knows the place.
Dietmar(Memprechtshofen) ,
04/29/2002 |
Her name is Camilla (Tanja).Here age is 29 years.She is born between 21.july and 21.August.She lives in Prag and she has 2 sisters.One of the sister is called Alex.
I need Camilla.
Raj ,
04/26/2002 |
Hi, I am a male from switzerland looking for a pritty czech girl from any part of czech Republich. Are you ABELE TO CONVERSATION IN ENGLISH OR GERMAN. also have intrest in sex. I like to invite you for 10 days hier from 1 of may 2002. please if you have intrest write me soon.
E-mail:- kobyman@bluemail.ch
Andy ,
04/24/2002 |
Anyone wanting to see recent pictures of some of the tourist sights in Prague - go to www.amdean.com
Jim ,
04/19/2002 |
Visiting Prague in the next month for one week. Very much like some young female company (I'm happy to pay all exspenses)
Please contact me on funtimes26@hotmail.com
Chris ,
04/19/2002 |
Thanx for the quick answer!
Another question: Are there some special events (fests, outdoor parties etc.) between 06th and 09th June? This is my period of staying in Praha.
Thanx in advance.
ANSWER: Definitely, because June 8th is state holiday. For events check out this web site ticketpro.cz. |
Chris ,
04/17/2002 |
Hello! I am musician from Germany and have been in Prague several times when I played concerts there. In early June I will travel to this great city again and as me was told that most music clubs/discos such as Musikpark etc. were no longer really visited by inhabitants I am seeking for some assistance on the nightlife.
To which other clubs/discos do the Czech people go now? Any special hints? I do not want to sit in a club with 300 Germans and 500 other tourists...I'd prefer to hang out with Czech women/people.
Any help will be appreciated.
ANSWER: You are right that the clubs in the center are full of tourists. Try the Roxy or Radost FX. if you want to be just with the local people, visit Akropolis (Prague3). Enjoy your stay! |
04/10/2002 |
I'm looking for paintings about Sicily or by sicilian artists.
Thank you. Francesco fracaltagi@tin.it
D-Rock ,
04/09/2002 |
What are the costs of living, for example: utility costs, water cost, desposal costs, and gas costs for a used or rented home?
ANSWER: It depends how big the house is, in general water, gas, electricity are around 1000 CZK each, disposal is paid per head. |
Vick ,
04/08/2002 |
English male, 36. Visiting Prague in summer (july 2001) looking for a female to spend sometime exploring the city and have some fun with. Looking for any basketball in the city, (games, venues, clubs etc) I am coach. I am simple person who enjoys simple pleasures. Europe is changing so fast and I want to see the history and tradition before it is to late, and feel the warmth of a people who have survived and grown. vfsv03@yahoo.com
Alexei ,
04/06/2002 |
Hi, we have started a new site - Czech travel search engine at www.czlist.com , which contains the biggest collection of Czech travel links in Czech English and German. Hope it will be usefull.
jeckyllnhaydn ,
04/03/2002 |
Male, 45, classical musician, visiting Prague for the first time in late May/early June. I would like to find a companion, preferably female and under 30, to show me the city and enjoy some dinners together. I will cover meals, transport, etc. Write and send photo to jekyllnhaydn@aol.com
Muri ,
04/02/2002 |
Hi there, there's 5 of us coming over from Scotland in 2 weeks and we're staying at the Hotel Ariston in Praha 3 (Zizkov??) Is this close to the nightlife and are the bars good in Zizkov? Also, are the "foreigners" welcomed in the local Czech bars? We don't want to come all the way to Prague to visit an Irish bar !!
Thanks in advance !
ANSWER: Zizkov is the best place where to stay if you want to visit Czech bars. There are at least five of them in each street. You should not have any problems with the local people. Czech beer rocks!!! |
Suzanne Bills Looking for Peter Bills ,
04/01/2002 |
I urgently looking for my brother Peter David Cameron Bills who is currently who is currently working in Singapore. He is a Machanical Engineer. I have misplased his phone number and am desperate to talk to him. If anybody knows of him could they please contact me on soozie1@bigpond.com.au
thank you
Reply to Lazyern ,
03/31/2002 |
You might try the Czech Centre in London, they might be able to help.
cindycat ,
03/31/2002 |
Hello, I will visiting in three weeks time and need some help finding accommodation. Since I will be by myself and it's my first time in Europe, I'm a little hesitant to stay in a hostel. I've found some Pensions and wanted to know which one I should choose: Avalon-Tara, Avalon-Gprazalova, Avalon (Prague 1) or Brezine Pension? Please HELP!
ANSWER: Pension Breizna is very close to one of the most busy roads in Prague, it might be little bit noisy there. Avalon in Nerudova has a really nice location- you will like it there. I wasn't able to locate the other two Avalon pensions. |
Christoph ,
03/29/2002 |
I (22, Austrian) intend to start studying at Prague's Charles University this autumn. For different reasons I want to go by car (Honda Civic, not that posh, but alright), but I have now started worrying on where to park the car. Now my question: Are there monitored parking spaces in Prague and how much are they per month? Is it safe to park the car on the street or is it very likely that it will get stolen?
The second thing is, that I'm still searching for a flat and also a flat-mate to join me. I would be very pleased if someone who also intends to study one term at Charles University and who is also looking for a flat, gets in contact with me. Perphaps we could have a look together. So e-mail me, if you face similiar problems:
ANSWER: Hello Christoph. It depends where you are going to stay. There are some monitored parking spaces, but they are quite expensive. Probably the best thing is to insure the car and park it in front of the house or on a frequent road. Enjoy your stay! |
Mirko Martini Model Management Italy ,
03/29/2002 |
My company is a wellknown model agency in Roma. We usually work with major movie production companies, with RAI (Italian National TV network) casting, Mediaset casting (Most important private TV network in Italy) and with many Italian Fashion Stylists (Valentino, Lancetti, Cavalli, Biagiotti, Balestra, etc.). We'd like to organize a scouting activity in Prague in partnership with a local acency. We are looking young "new faces" girls to produce in Italy as photomodel, TV starlette or mannequin (if phisically eligible). Can you help us with some suggestions?
comments: We will happy to find a good contact with a model scout more than a management agency. Thank You very much.
Mirko MArtini
ANSWER: Hello Mirko. I do not have any special tip for a model scout. Try to search these web sites. |
Lazyern ,
03/26/2002 |
I am looking for Czech clubs in London. Can you help please.
ANSWER: Do not know any. Sorry. |
Rizwell ,
03/24/2002 |
Could you please provide the address of the Strapromen brewery? And do you need to book or can you just turn up? Many Thanks
ANSWER: You will have to book- visit their web site and fill out a short form there. Address is Nadrazni 84, Praha 5.
The easiest way how to get there is by tram or metro to Andel and than walk. |
Ken ,
03/24/2002 |
Is a PRINTED timetable available for bus and rail? If so, where can I purchase it? Bookstore, Station?? Do midsized towns have their own individual timetables, that can be purchased?
ANSWER: All the timetables for rail can be purchased at the Main Railway Station (Hlavni nadrazi) and almost every station sells its local timetable (basic timetable is for free). Timetable for buses is a little bit more complicated thing, there are a lot bus companies. For more info visit the Florenc bus station. As far as I know there is no book containing the rail and bus timetable together. The best source is the internet web site vlak-bus.cz |
Marc ,
03/23/2002 |
Hello, I'll land to Prague May 4th, and i'd
to have your suggestion for a cheap youth
hostel. They are so many, so i'd like to
have your suggestion.
ANSWER: The location is very important, choose the hostels in the very center Prague 1-2. This way you will not have to worry how to get back during the night. A lot of poeple like "Clown and Bard" and "Sir Toby's" hostels. |
Hen ,
03/23/2002 |
My family of 5 (4 adults and a 3 year old child)is traveling to Berlin and Prague this June from the US. We will stay in Prague for 3 nights June 17-20 (traveling by train from Berlin). I need help in choosing the right hotel.
I need something very central (as little walking as possible for my 3 year old grandson) as we plan on doing mostly walking tours of the historical old town, Charles Bridge, and castle area. Most hotels do not have air-conditioning...do you think we'll need it because of street noise, security, and/or heat?
Right now I am trying to decide between the Hotel Metamorphis, Hotel Elite, Radisson Sas Alcron, Ungelt Apartments, and Residence Retezova.
Can you offer any suggestions??
Thank you!
ANSWER: Hotel Metamorphis is located just in the historic center, nice atmosphere and location. Hotel Elite is a little bit further from the center, you would have to walk quite a bit or use the public transporation, on the other hand the street Ostrovni is not very busy. Hotel Radisson is just around the corner to Wenceslas Square, the center of the night life. Retezova is a very busy small street on the King's Road, a lot of tourist there. Ungelt apartements are very close to the Old Town Square. Summary: Probably the best hotel for your needs is Metamorphis, right in the historic center and a little bit of the main touristic track. I do not think that you will need air conditioning, June is a very pleasent month. Enjoy your stay! |
ichliebe (Reply to Danielle) ,
03/23/2002 |
Schultz ,
03/23/2002 |
I'm an italian boy I'm going to stay in Praha for some days in the middle of June,
write me praha girls to wschultzone@mailcity.com
Where can I chat or look for friends in Praha ?
ANSWER: Try one of the most popular Czech chating web sites xchat.cz or search ICQ. |
TeenWithProject ,
03/22/2002 |
What are some historical and Cultural places in Prague??
ANSWER: Hey. Click on this link. |
MP ,
03/19/2002 |
I am considering visiting Prague in Novemeber , staying at the Radison SAS Alcron Hotel. Concious this is low season, is the location good and the time of year(will it still be busy) to make the most of a 3 night stay?
ANSWER: Hotel has a very good location, it is right in the center. Prague will not be very crowded. Bring some warm cloth with you, because it might be quite cold and rainy.
lloydy ,
03/19/2002 |
in prague this weekend - stag do - staying at Hotel Ibis Karlin. is this close to the action??? want to stay away from the football crowd - suggestions please!!
ANSWER: That is quite a good place. Not right in the center, close to it.
Danielle ,
03/19/2002 |
Me and a friend of mine plan to travel to Prague this year(from Romania). We are students and we don't realy have much mony so we would like to know how could we find some cheap hostings in Prague? Thank you!
ANSWER: Visit the web site hostel.cz. You will find more info about hostels there.
Franco8 ,
03/18/2002 |
Hi there, I am interested in building a property portfolio in Prague through a still to be established Czech company as foreigners are not permitted topurchase yet.
I would like any information sources on the czech property market, the lending environment and also to get in touch with Czech citizens with view to possible partnerships towards this end.
I will be planning a visit in the 2nd half of this year to find additional info and to meet any interested parties. Looking to be well positioned in advance of the 2004 EU entry.
All info appreciated. others may contact me on francishunt@hotmail.com
Many Thanks
Torpedo ,
03/16/2002 |
I am looking for someone to help me on how to write computer programs, search the web and build my own website. I am no computer buff. So I someone who is great with coputers and has the time to show me their knowledge plaes contact me.
Time4Sharing ,
03/15/2002 |
Dear all,
this is your chance to meet famous Czech artists like Dan Barta and Ondrej Havelka and in the sametime to help the orphans.
In the 4th of April Time4Sharing foundation is organizing a Benefit Evening to help Destna Orphanage paying for the electricity and heating bills.
The Benefit Evening will be held in Hotel Palace located in Panska street 12, Praha 1 and is starting at 19.30.
For only 1.500 Kc you can enjoy a 5***** buffet dinner, a dancing performance from the kids from Orphanage, a live performance from famous Dan Barta and jazz group Trio Balzar, an auction and much more.
To buy a ticket please visit the TicketPro shops or you can call our foundation office at
02 21 42 32 04.
Smart evening clothes is a must!
Thank you very much on behalf of Destna Orphanage!
Jim ,
03/15/2002 |
I am planning a trip over to prague for a week very soon, can anyone please email me if you can help..I need some prices on 'Entertainment' per hour/day, as the site has a moderator if you can help please email me on funtimes26@hotmail.com.
Many thanks for your help. J
Jason (answer for Sara) ,
03/15/2002 |
If you decide to travel by hire car, be aware of the huge charge for hiring a car in Germany and leaving it in the Czech Republic i.e. one-way. It's much cheaper to drive into CZ, stay a few days and then drive back. Rail might be the better option.
ANSWER: Thank you for your suggestion.
sara ,
03/14/2002 |
Hi, My husband and I are planning a trip to Berlin and Prague. I was wondering which is the best way to get from Berlin to Prague, by car or by train? Since it is not so far away I prefer not to fly.
ANSWER: By car it is more convenient. However there is direct connection by train from Berlin to Prague, it takes about 5 and 1/2 hours.
Pookster ,
03/13/2002 |
Thanks for the response to the last question... Now another! We are staying at the Cloister Inn, which I have heard is near to the Old Town. As we are going to be on a stag weekend we probably won't want too much in the way of sightseeing and culture, but can you tell me if we are central for the main nightlife and if not, is it within walking distance? Thanks again
ANSWER: You will be right in the center of the night life. If you will have to walk, than it will be just for a few meters :).
Pookster ,
03/11/2002 |
Hi all - just a quick question (hopefully with a quick answer)... going to Prague from London this Friday on a stag do with a dozen or so West Ham supporters. Can you please tell me if there are any pubswhich show live Premiership games (it might be easier as they are playing Manchester United! Thanks
ANSWER: Oh yes. Lasko already answered this question:
If you are a Brit, you'd probably prefer Legends, as that is the prime hangout for British expats. Jagr's is also a good place, and Caffrey's, which is right at the Old Town Square, will probably also have the game on (warning: probably the most expensive bar in Prague) Hope this helps."